Thursday, June 4, 2020

California Governor Orders All 40 million Residents to Stay Home

From the story: The governor’s order comes at a critical time in California, where 19 people have died and an additional 958 have tested positive for the disease. It follows an order from Los Angeles County and city officials issued Thursday that requires all indoor malls, shopping centers, playgrounds and non-essential retail businesses to close and prohibits gathering in enclosed spaces of more than 10 people (LA Times).  

But Lila Rose notes “Planned Parenthoods across the state will remain open tomorrow, profiting off of the deaths of hundreds of children a week” (Twitter).  

The California decision makes this updated Pepperdine map of coronavirus cases and how to get food all the more valuable (Pepperdine).  

Pennsylvania closed all “non-life-sustaining” businesses (Washington Times).  

Maryland is cracking down as a five-year-old girl contracted the virus (Baltimore Sun). 

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