Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Coronavirus Curve Flat for Nearly a Month Now

The curve is flat on new cases since the first week in April, and deaths since the end of the second week in April (WorldoMeters).  

From Dr. Scott Gottlieb: Daily positive cases of covid19 as a percent of total daily tests continues to fall nationally, a very good sign as covid testing expands. Declining positivity could be a leading indicator of an epidemic starting to decline. 10% is still high but it’s coming down at a steady pace (Twitter).  

Deaths among food workers are low as, the story notes “The death toll represents a per capita fatality rate of roughly 5 per 100,000 UFCW workers in the U.S. and Canada. The rate is lower than that of the general population even though these front-line workers did not benefit until mid-April from widespread orders for people to wear masks in public and take other robust safety measures” (Washington Times).  

Meanwhile, Jerry Bowyer looks at how some states are cracking down on churches (Townhall Finance). 

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