Thursday, June 4, 2020

Media Continue to Focus on Trumps Use of Word “Chinese”

To describe a virus that came from China and was lied about by the Chinese government (Red State). The media even harassed a senator about what Trump said (Twitter).  

A Washington Post photographer zoomed in on Trump’s notes to see where the president crossed out “corona” and wrote “Chinese.”  It’s as if the president is doing this to make them go insane.  And it is working (Twitter).  

Joe Biden and China have chimed in with the same nonsense (Red State).  

The New York Times has stepped up the insanity with this piece claiming “it is the West that now frightens Asia and the rest of the world” (NY Times). 

And in an overt effort to please the media, Wikipedia changed the name of the Spanish Flu to “1918 Influenza Pandemic” (Twitter). 

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