Thursday, June 4, 2020

Reports from China Contradict Government

Several stories note China seems to be getting a temporary reprieve.  A story warns “Two influenza pandemics in 1889 and 1918 saw three waves of infections, with the later ones being more deadly than the first cases” (NY Post).  

But another story tells us “In Wuhan, officials have tried to make it appear that recovery efforts are going smoothly. But when “central leaders” personally survey disinfecting regimens and food delivery, local officials “make a special effort” for them and them alone, one resident told Caixan. And in a video circulating on social media, residents can be seen shouting at visiting leaders from the apartments where they’re being quarantined — “Fake, it’s all fake” (Yahoo).  

From Erielle Davidson: While The Atlantic and CNN parroted CCP talking points, horrific things were transpiring in China (Twitter). 

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