Thursday, June 4, 2020

Senators Accused of Selling Stocks Prior to Coronavirus Announcement

Senators Kelly Loeffler and Richard Burr “sold millions in stock before the coronavirus outbreak sent the markets in freefall. Both senators attended briefings on the growing coronavirus outbreak for weeks leading up the national emergency that was declared by President Trump days ago” (Fox News).  

Loeffler responded, calling the accusations “ridiculous and baseless” (Twitter).  

From Erick Erickson: If Loeffler is telling the truth and it can be backed up credibly, she can defend it as trying to be ethical by not doing the usual Washington nonsense accompanied by affidavits. But that still leaves the Richard Burr matter (Twitter).  

From David French: The potential insider trading is dreadful and possibly criminal, but what could elevate this to a historic scandal is the idea that senators may have known enough to be alarmed for themselves yet still projected rosy scenarios to the public AND failed to make sure we were ready (Twitter).  

From Mark Hemingway: Just want to congratulate everyone on the immediate cross partisan consensus on that horrible Imagine video and Senator Burr. We may yet find a way to unite this country (Twitter). 

From Guy Benson: If Burr and Loeffler have compelling defenses of what they did, let’s hear them. Now. But their actions very much *look* like craven, selfish betrayals of the public trust — made worse by the crisis we are all living through (Twitter). 

From Andrew Yang: If you find out about a nation-threatening pandemic and your first move is to adjust your stock portfolio you should probably not be in a job that serves the public interest (Twitter). 

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