HARRIS MEYER April 27, 2019 01:00 AM
With just
a few weeks to go before its June 6 launch, lawmakers, providers, and advocates
are wary about the Veterans Affairs Department’s ability to roll out an
expanded private-care program for veterans on schedule without experiencing
major glitches like the last time.
They fear
the 9.2 million veterans eligible for VA-paid healthcare will continue having
trouble accessing timely, high-quality care outside of Veterans Affairs
hospitals and clinics.
providers hope the new Veterans Community Care program, mandated by the VA
Mission Act enacted last year, will improve their ability to share patient data
with VA facilities and receive timely payment for serving veterans. Those have
been major problems for the Veterans Choice program, which
ends when the new program begins.
The VA
selected Optum Public Sector Solutions as the third-party
administrator for three regions, though that selection is being contested,
while contractors for three other regions haven’t yet been selected. TriWest
will continue as interim administrator for the Choice program while the new
contractors ramp up their networks and processes over the coming year.
also are concerns about whether the private providers in the new third-party
administrators’ networks will be held to the same standards of quality and
levels of familiarity with veterans’ health issues that VA providers must meet.
That’s a particular worry for mental health screening and treatment, given the
nearly 20 suicides among veterans every day. The VA will issue quality
standards in June, an agency spokeswoman said.
Under the
new law, the VA retains responsibility for coordinating care provided outside
its Veterans Health Administration system. But that could prove challenging
unless the agency is able to overcome long-standing problems with interchange
of electronic health records.
The VA
has resisted calls to adopt the same interoperability model other federal
programs use. Instead, it’s opting to use existing health information
exchanges, the VA spokeswoman said. The VA declined to provide an official to

Given all
the uncertainties, some groups, including the Disabled American Veterans, are
urging a partial delay in the new program.
But VA
officials insist they’re ready to launch the Community Care program in June, as
required by Congress, and that they’re prepared to cope with any implementation
bumps. They say they learned the lessons from the disastrous, rushed launch of
the Choice program in 2014.
“Will we
deliver care June 6? Yes,” Dr. Richard Stone, the executive in charge of the
Veterans Health Administration, told the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee April 10. “We will
get this right, but we will get better every day. … Some things don’t go right
on the first day.”
question whether the VA has underestimated the number of patients who will take
advantage of the broader eligibility rules to seek care outside VA facilities,
draining dollars needed to keep the huge veterans’ healthcare system
launch of the new private-care program is the latest flashpoint in a
long-running political battle over the government’s proper role in providing
healthcare to veterans. Some conservative groups, led by the Koch
brothers-funded Concerned Veterans for America, tout the program as
enhancing competition between private and VA providers and offering greater
choice to vets. VA supporters warn, however, that expanding local care is a
deliberate step by the Trump administration to shrink or dismantle the Veterans
Health Administration system and privatize veterans care.
“The VA
has made some assumptions that there won’t be fewer veterans seeking care in
the VA system,” said Dr. David Shulkin, chief innovation officer at Sanford
Health and a former Veterans Affairs secretary who was pushed out by President
Donald Trump last year. “I want to understand better why they made that
assumption so we don’t have the unintended consequence that the VA system ends
up weakened and unsustainable.”
Under the
Mission Act, the VA will consolidate seven existing programs that pay for
veterans’ care outside the VA system, including Veterans Choice, into
The 2018
law was designed to remedy long waits for care and payment under the Choice
program, which itself was created by Congress to address excessive waits for
The VA
has significantly reduced wait times for appointments since a scandal over the
covering up of long wait times erupted in 2014. Veterans now can see VA
primary-care physicians and some specialists much faster than they see
private-sector doctors, Stone recently told senators.
Mission Act also allows veterans access to private urgent-care centers and
includes provisions to boost VA staff recruitment and speed up payment to
providers. It requires the VA to shift from manual claims processing to an
electronic claims system, a measure applauded by providers.
Secretary Robert Wilkie said in January that the Community Care program “will
revolutionize VA healthcare as we know it,” adding that the VA’s current
patchwork of community programs is “a bureaucratic maze that’s hard to
refuted claims that the program is a move to privatize the VHA, which he
said generally delivers higher-quality care than other providers and
retains the trust of veterans.
both Republican and Democratic lawmakers have voiced doubts about whether the
June 6 launch of Community Care will be initially successful, particularly
given the VA’s leadership changes and turmoil over the past two years.
learned lessons from the Choice program, but that was three VA secretaries
ago,” quipped Tennessee Rep. Phil Roe, the senior Republican on the House
Veterans’ Affairs Committee, who admits he’s nervous about whether the program
is ready to launch. “The C-suite has changed, and I don’t know if they know the
February, the VA proposed new eligibility standards for access to VA-paid care
in the community, which the department says will be published in final form
June 6, the day the new program starts. Veterans would be eligible for Community Care if they must drive 30
minutes or more to a VA facility for primary care or mental health services, or
60 minutes or more for specialty care.
also be eligible for private care if they have to wait 20 days or more for
primary care or mental healthcare or 28 days or more for specialty care.
factors qualifying veterans for Community Care would be if the services they
need aren’t offered by the VA; there is no full-service VA facility in their
state; their local VA facility is deemed deficient in quality or timeliness; or
the veteran and the referring physician agree receiving care outside the VA
would be in the veteran’s best medical interest.
say the criteria are too vague and could lead to veterans feeling they were
unfairly denied access to Community Care. For instance, drive time depends on
the time of the day when it’s calculated.
“I’ll be
on the borderline of qualifying for Community Care, and they’ll probably turn
me down,” fretted Navy veteran Ray Rubio, who lives in Chicago’s south suburbs
and prefers private-sector care because he’s been dissatisfied with the VA care
he’s received.
Disabled Veterans of America wants new access standards tested before the
program launches.
access standards for Community Care would significantly increase the number of
VA enrollees using VA-paid healthcare rather than the other health insurance
most veterans have, such as Medicare or an employer plan, according to a Milliman analysis. Enrollees’ reliance on VA-paid care
would rise from 36% to 40% by 2021, with the VA spending an estimated $18.7
billion more over five years.
The U.S.
Digital Service reported in March that the proposed drive-time
standards would hike the number of veterans eligible for community-based care
from 685,000 under the Veterans Choice program to 3.7 million.
warned, however, that flaws in the digital support tool the VA is developing to
determine eligibility would slow appointments and lead to VA physicians seeing
75,000 fewer patients a day, causing major disruptions. Wilkie denied that claim.
The sharp
increase in the number of veterans eligible for community-based care has raised
alarms among lawmakers and VA supporters about whether higher spending will
squeeze funding for the VA system. Congress did not appropriate additional
money for the new program, though the VA says it has sufficient funding for
increased costs for Community Care will likely come at the expense of the VA’s
direct system of care,” a group of Democratic senators led by Montana Sen. Jon
Tester warned in January.
Williams, director of the veterans program at the nonpartisan Center for a New
American Security, shares that concern. An Army veteran who served in Iraq,
Williams said she’s received both VA care and private-sector care through the
military’s TriCare insurance plan, and that her care in the VA system was
better coordinated and more comprehensive.
“I don’t
completely oppose this new Community Care program because bringing all these
programs into one system makes more sense,” she said. But expansion of care in
the community “should not come at the expense of a strong VA.”
She and
other experts say private-sector providers generally can’t match the VA’s 172
hospitals and 1,069 outpatient clinics in delivering care that’s attuned to
military culture and the unique medical needs of veterans, who tend to be
sicker on average than non-veterans. Those special needs include toxic
exposures, spinal cord injuries, prosthetics for lost limbs, and post-traumatic
stress disorder, with which many community providers have little or no
said three female veterans she knows were diagnosed with breast cancer in their
30s because VA providers were aware of their exposure to toxins and ordered
mammograms at a younger age than is typically recommended. “There’s nothing
that shows civilian providers would know what to screen for,” she said.
The VA
has not yet said how it will ensure that non-VA providers are culturally
competent to serve veterans and able to provide the range of services veterans
need. Up to now, there has been no systematic analysis of the timeliness or
quality of care that veterans receive through VA community programs, according
to the RAND Corp.
a RAND survey last year of hundreds of private-sector
providers in New York state to assess their readiness for treating veterans
with service-connected health issues found that only 2.3% met a number of key
readiness criteria. Those included familiarity with military culture,
preparedness to screen for and treat conditions common among veterans, and
accommodation for patients with disabilities.
60% of the New York providers said they did not want additional training for
working with veterans.
number of providers who met our full criteria for readiness was much lower than
we anticipated or that is desired,” said Terri Tanielian, a senior behavioral
scientist at RAND who worked on the New York study. “Our findings support
concerns about the uneven level of quality between VA and community providers.”
There are
health systems, however, that have developed close working relationships with
VA facilities and whose providers have gained substantial experience in serving
veterans since the Choice program started in 2014.
One is
Northwell Health, which built a clinic to serve veterans and their family
members in collaboration with the Northport (N.Y.) VA Medical Center. On one
side, VA providers serve the veterans, while on the other side Northwell
providers serve the family members.
Even with
the experience of serving thousands of military families, it’s no small task
for Northwell to train its clinicians in the unique needs of veterans and get
ready for a possible increase in patients under the expanded community program.
means helping clinicians understand the different physical and behavioral
conditions veterans may present with, how to accommodate patients with
disabilities, and the availability of special programs and resources for
veterans, said Dr. Tochi Iroku-Malize, Northwell’s family medicine chair.
clinicians’ busy schedules, she plans to use online training modules and
clinical rounds focusing on veterans’ needs. “The case of the day may be a
veteran with PTSD and what’s causing his heart rate to go up so fast,” she
said. “I have to make sure my clinical workforce is prepared for this.”
Former VA
Secretary Shulkin said Congress must be ready to jump in fast if problems with
the new Community Care program arise after its launch.
“This is
an aggressive time schedule, but that isn’t a problem,” he said. “You have to
be really committed to monitoring the impact of this very closely, and be open
and transparent. No one wants to see a well-intended policy result in
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