Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Should ‘Housing First’ Be The Go To Philosophy When Addressing Homelessness?

AirTalk® | February 5, 2020
The “housing first” model calls for getting people experiencing homelessness into stable housing first and foremost. Those who advocate for addressing homelessness with this model believe there shouldn’t be any preconditions for people getting permanent housing and that solving other problems, like addiction and mental health issues, should come after.
The Trump administration’s new homelessness czar is speaking out about potential shifts in the longstanding model that’s existed in cities across the country since the 1990s. Robert Marbut, the head of the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness, says he wants local municipalities to have more control over setting policy, according to a report from the Wall Street Journal. Some long-time advocates agree that the housing first policy isn’t a silver bullet and the lack of development so far is problematic. Los Angeles voters approved a measure in 2016 that subsidizes construction of 10,000 permanent housing units for homeless residents. But according to Curbed LA, only one complex funded by the measure has opened. Other experts argue focusing on getting residents permanent housing first allows them to then tend to mental health or substance us needs after. Today on AirTalk, we look at the pros and cons of the housing first model as homelessness becomes an ever-growing crisis in California communities and across the country.

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