Monday, February 10, 2020

Will voters revolt over health care prices? Texans have plenty of reason to push for change

Health care is expensive here, and more patients are skipping care to avoid high out-of-pocket costs -- even if they have insurance.
By Mitchell Schnurman 6:00 AM on Feb 9, 2020
Maybe voters can do what companies have not: move the needle on health care prices.
For decades, employers have complained about the rising costs of health care, but ultimately, they’ve accepted the increases -- and passed along much of the expense to workers.
Now, a growing number of Americans who have health insurance are finding it too expensive to use. Many are electing to not fill prescriptions, skip follow-up treatments and not see a doctor when they’re sick -- all because of the costs.
An estimated 44 million people with insurance were “underinsured” in 2018, according to the Commonwealth Fund, a nonprofit foundation supporting health policy research and reform. It defined the underinsured as adults with coverage and out-of-pocket costs that eat up a big share of family income -- at least 5% or 10%, depending on their pay.
In 2018, almost 1 in 4 Americans were underinsured, compared with 1 in 11 in 2005, Commonwealth said.
That’s one sign of problems in health care, and here are some more: In a Kaiser Family Foundation poll last month, 56% of respondents said they supported “Medicare for All,” and two-thirds said they favored a public option.
In a Morning Consult poll, almost 2,000 registered voters ranked health care as a top priority in the 2020 presidential election, ahead of the economy, immigration and gun control. Their top concern on health care? By far, it was the cost.
“The voter, the patient, the employee -- that all refers to the same person, and they don’t like the way the system is working,” said Den Bishop, president of Holmes Murphy, an insurance brokerage and consulting firm. “It costs too much and it’s too complicated. And most Americans are saying they’re ready to give up on the private sector.
“That’s something everyone in health care should be paying attention to,” Bishop said.
The Affordable Care Act, passed in 2010, was primarily aimed at expanding access, and it reduced the number of uninsured in the U.S. by almost 20 million. Gains were more limited in Texas because the state didn’t expand Medicaid for low-income residents, a key opportunity with the health law.
But getting insurance is just the entry point into the U.S. health care system.
“People not only need coverage; they need coverage that’s protected and has out-of-pocket costs that are affordable for their family income,” said Lynn Quincy, director of the health care value hub at Altarum, a nonprofit research firm. “In Texas, many residents are struggling with those costs.”
In a recent scorecard, Texas ranked low on affordability, in part because it’s “among the most expensive states, with private payer prices well above the national median,” Altarum reported. Almost half of Texans had problems with out-of-pocket expenses and one-third had trouble paying medical bills, the report said.
In a 2019 state scorecard by Commonwealth, Texas ranked dead last on access and affordability. More adults in the state went without care because of the cost and a greater share didn’t have a usual provider, the group said. The cost of health insurance also consumed a greater portion of Texans’ income.
“Texas has a very bad spending and pricing problem, and they don’t seem to be doing anything about it,” Quincy said.
In December, the Texas House named a select committee to study health care costs. It aims to examine the primary drivers of rising expenses and identify ways to improve the system and reduce costs.
Because other states have started tackling the issue already, the House committee “has a window of opportunity to identify state-based strategies that would trigger dramatic improvements,” according to a recent letter from Tom Banning, CEO of the Texas Academy of Family Physicians.
In his letter to the House committee, he touted the importance of investing more in primary care. An East Texas network of primary care physicians, he wrote, produced an 8% reduction in costs and saved over $2.5 million for more than 5,000 members.
“Until we have an honest conversation about what’s driving up costs, we’re gonna continue nibbling around the edges,” Banning said in a phone interview.
The group has hired a health policy firm in Washington to develop a menu of options to rein in prices.
“It’s obviously at the top of voters’ minds,” Banning said. While the health law extended coverage to millions, “that’s all fairly meaningless if you can’t afford to access health care services.”
Several accountable care organizations, known as ACOs, have generated savings for Medicare patients and others. And Baylor Scott & White’s ACO has kept a tight lid on prices for its employee health plan.
Most big companies in Dallas-Fort Worth are unwilling to restrict their workers’ choices of providers and facilities, said Bishop, whose brokerage helps clients select health insurance plans.
In an ACO, a limited integrated network is crucial to generating savings, but companies generally worry more about losing talent.
“To keep people happy, employers want to offer access to every major hospital -- and that’s expensive,” said Bishop, who recently wrote The Voter’s Guide to Healthcare.
Because the economy has been strong, many companies have simply accepted rising health costs and continue to share the increases with employees. And there’s the rub, Bishop said, because many workers -- who are also voters -- have had enough.
“We’re absolutely at a tipping point, but it’s not the employers this time,” he said.

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