Thursday, June 4, 2020

Democrats Introduce Progressive Pork-filled Stimulus Bill

From the story: The bill proposed by Pelosi, D-Calif., additionally seeks to eliminate debt held by the U.S. Postal Service, require same-day voter registration, pay off $10,000 in student debt per person, mandate that airlines reduce their overall carbon emissions by 50 percent by 2050, and force federal agencies to explain to Congress how they are increasing their usage of “minority banks” (Fox News).  

More details from another story:  Requires a labor union representative on every airline’s board of directors.  Multiemployer pension bailout lacking needed reforms. Permanently raises the minimum wage to $15 for any business that receives federal aid for COVID-19  (Washington Times). 

It also includes a gift of “$35 million to the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts” (Fox News).  

From Ted Cruz: “One of the reasons I think Senate Democrats are so willing to engage in this is that they expect the media to be utterly complicit in their cynical gamesmanship” (Twitter).  

From another story: House Majority Whip James Clyburn, South Carolina Democrat, reportedly said last week, “This is a tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision” (Washington Times).  

From the Wall Street Journal editorial board: Do Democrats even care? It isn’t obvious as they pander to their progressive base to make last-minute demands while blocking the rescue cash. The political chronology is instructive—and depressing about the state of Democratic leadership (WSJ).  

From Brit Hume: Holding the bill hostage to the unrelated wishlist items Democrats are trying to stuff into it is the most cynical thing I’ve seen since the character assassination of Brett Kavanaugh (Twitter).  

From Mark Hemingway: What I don’t understand about what happened with the legislation today it’s going to be used, likely with some success, against congressional Dems in the fall. It seems like an obvious political blunder and they’re oblivious (Twitter).  

From Nikki Haley: This is beyond embarrassing and an arrogant abuse of a vulnerable situation. #GodHelpUs (Twitter). From David Harsanyi: One imagines most Americans would rather rescue their jobs from the ravages of coronavirus-induced downturn than lose them and just get a government check. Yet on Sunday, Democrats blocked a procedural vote on a coronavirus relief package in the Senate, arguing that the fiscal rescue package favored corporations over individuals (National Review).   

A must-watch passionate teardown of the horrible Democratic bill and the people who put it forth, from U.S. Senator and Dr. John Barrasso (Twitter). 

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