Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Fast Forward Into The Future

Sometimes there comes a time in life when you have to not only let go of the past but stop dwelling in the present and "Fast Forward into the Future". For many of us, getting back to work as things slowly start to open up, especially business owners, that time is now--and we have to just take a giant leap into the post-COVID-19 future. The truth is, we create tomorrow, today. We have to plan our future and take action now.

The current crisis has also slowed our lifestyle down dramatically. Everything is harder, more complicated, and takes longer. Nothing is happening or moving at a reasonable pace yet. Ironically, to keep moving forward, we have to speed up and overcome the circumstances of our environment. We have to accept and adapt to the new changes quickly. This is harder for some people than others. Some people stay in denial; others need more time and are very slow to change. But there is always a group of go-getters who move fast, accept the new reality, and master it. These are the entrepreneurs, the problem-solvers, and the innovators. They are always thinking, doing, moving-they are the doers.

So how do you take that giant leap and get moving?

Copyright © 2020 Farshad Asl Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

In order to "Fast Forward into the Future," there are five things you need to focus on:

Focus on your vision and the things that matter most. Decide what you want and go after it. Focus on your strengths, not your shortcomings.
Focus on the opportunities you have, not the challenges. Look to the future, not to the past. Think about where you want to be six months from now and start doing what you need to do to get there today.                                                                              
Make the tough decisions and take risks. Do the things that others are afraid to do. Don't be scared to think outside the box and get out of your comfort zone.

Covid-19 has changed everything. Be open to change. What worked before may not work anymore. Don't be afraid to be flexible and learn to do things differently.

Now is the time to be creative. Be innovative and come up with new solutions to solve problems. Find new ways to do things. If you want to try something new, now is the time. Develop new ideas. Think of fresh ways to meet people's needs. Disrupt the status quo and stay one step ahead of the crowd.

This is the time to trust and believe in yourself. Don't listen to other people's opinions. Believe you can do what you need to do. Don't let fear take over; let faith take over.

The future is already here. Embrace the change. By staying true to your vision and focused on these five points, you will be surprised at how easily you "Fast Forward into the Future." You might even lead the way for everybody else.

Farshad Asl

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