Monday, June 8, 2020

Prison inmate was 8 days from release after 20 years behind bars. Then he got the virus

Watchdog Dave Leiber writes:

Federal inmate #50083-054 was ready to go home.

He called his family back in New York to tell them he would be released from Federal Medical Center Fort Worth in May. He was beyond excited. After 20 years behind bars, he would finally stop being a number and get back his name: Vernon Adderley.

Adderley’s relatives asked him about his health and if he had the coronavirus. His brother Jermaine remembers his answer.

"No. I’m feeling good. I can’t wait to come home."

His release date was set for May 19.

But eight days before that, a doctor called the family with terrible news. Adderley had been in the hospital for two weeks. In a FaceTime call, the doctor gave Jermaine a look at his brother.

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