Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Washington State Demands Restaurants Log All Dine-in Customers

Or they must shut down (ABC News).  

The Wisconsin Supreme Court stepped in and stopped the governor’s extension of stay-at-home orders (Washington Examiner). 

From Lanhee Chen: Over the past week, @sanmateoco has averaged 25 new cases, 1.3 new deaths per day. @SCCgov has averaged 16 new cases, 0.9 new deaths per day (with 2.5x population). San Mateo is easing its stay-at-home order, but Santa Clara is not. Only in California (Twitter).  

Los Angeles pastor Matthew Barnett response to three more months of lockdown in LA: I can’t believe this!!!! Nooooo!!!! So much need, so much loss, so much addiction! How can we possibly take care of more need. In tears!!! (Twitter). 

The state of Michigan has suspended the license of a 77-year-old barber because he didn’t obey the order to stay closed (Washington Times).  

Though food was plentiful when this began, we could soon see famines (WSJ). 

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