Some people don’t participate in clinical trials because they assume
they’ll be ‘experimented on’ like a guinea pig or that it’s a last resort.
During January, Pancreatic Cancer Clinical Trials Awareness Month, we’ll
debunk these myths (and others!) surrounding clinical trials and explain
why these trials are so important.
or False: Clinical trials are for patients who have run out of options.


Clinical trials are research studies that
investigate new treatments or combinations of existing treatments to
determine if they are beneficial to people living with pancreatic cancer.
Every treatment available today was approved through a clinical trial.
PanCAN strongly recommends clinical trials at diagnosis and during every
treatment decision because they give early access to cutting-edge
treatments that can lead to progress in research and better outcomes for
Scott Nelson, a pancreatic cancer survivor, understands the value of
clinical trials. “If I hadn’t stopped to consider my options, including
clinical trials, I wouldn’t be alive,” says Nelson, who was diagnosed at
age 50 and credits a successful recovery in part to a clinical trial. “I
wouldn’t have met my grandchildren.” Read Scott’s story.

Myth #1: Patients are treated
like guinea pigs.
Fact: Patient safety is a top priority and patients have rights that
protect them.
#2: Clinical trials are for patients who have run out of options.
Fact: A clinical trial is always an option, regardless of when the patient
was diagnosed or what treatments they received.
#3: Patients may receive a placebo, not a treatment.
Fact: Placebos are never used in place of standard of care. The patient
will always receive either standard of care or the investigational
#4: Clinical trials are more expensive for the patient.
Fact: Federal law requires most insurance plans cover the routine costs of
a clinical trial. Research costs are typically covered by the trial
#5: Participation in clinical trials is not important.
Fact: Involvement is crucial. Clinical trials give us insight and lead us
to better ways to prevent, detect and understand the disease.
Clinical trials offer promise of a brighter future, bringing
progress and improving outcomes for pancreatic cancer patients.

Lynn Matrisian, PhD, MBA
Chief Science Officer
Contact PanCAN Patient Services for free,
in-depth clinical trials information and resources — including a
personalized clinical trials search.
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