The 240 troops, who belong to Electronic Attack
Squadron 134 in Washington, will join the more than 100,000 U.S. service
members in Europe, chief Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said.
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President Joe Biden’s second Pentagon
budget request dwarfs his 2022 request of $715 billion, adding
money to account for spikes this year in inflation and an increased
emphasis on the modern arms needed to counter the No. 1 national
security issue for the U.S. — China, officials said Monday.
more >
The $177.5 billion spending proposal, up
from last year’s $174.7 billion, reverses multiple years of budget
cutbacks for the Army, which is during a weapons modernization push
that has been challenged by budget constraints.
more >
In addition to more money for medical
care, the proposal increases funding for veteran caregivers by $433
million, and it includes $410 million more for veteran homelessness
more >
The Navy wants to cut 24 ships and build
nine more in its proposed $180.5 billion budget for 2023, the
service’s top budget officer said Monday. The Navy also proposes
reducing the service by about 620 active-duty sailors, bringing the
force to about 346,300.
more >
I Corps, the Army’s command responsible
for 44,000 troops stationed across the Indo-Pacific region, from
the U.S. Pacific Northwest to South Korea and Japan, views the
smaller force model as a way to stay in the game in a new era of
global competition.
more >
The ICBM launch represented the first such
test since 2017, when North Korea self-imposed a moratorium on
testing missiles and nuclear weapons as negotiations between it and
the U.S. and South Korea were underway.
more >
A group of aviators who operated mostly
after dusk during their 2011 Iraq deployment for Operation New Dawn
found their inspiration in Lionel Richie and his 1983 hit “All
Night Long (All Night).”
more >
Golfers, airmen, workmates, friends and
family bid farewell to Eugene Alto “Mac” McDaniel Jr. during a
memorial service Saturday at the Friendship Chapel on the base.
more >
With its aspirations for a quick victory
dashed by a stiff Ukrainian resistance, Russia has increasingly
focused on grinding down Ukraine's military in the east in the hope
of forcing Kyiv into surrendering part of the country's territory
to possibly end the war.
more >
President Joe Biden said Monday that he is
"not walking anything back" after his weekend comment
that Russian President Vladimir Putin "cannot remain in
power," although Biden insisted he's not calling for regime
change in Moscow.
more >
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