Key insights from
Liquid Rules: The Delightful and
Dangerous Substances That Flow Through Our Lives
Mark Miodownik

What you’ll learn
Mark Miodownik demonstrates his mastery of the material
sciences by explaining everyday substances with everyday jargon people can
grasp even without a doctorate from Oxford or professorship at the
University of London. After giving us a tour of the world of solids in his
award-winning book Stuff Matters, Miodownik returns to explore a
more mysterious, dynamic state of matter.
Read on for key insights from Liquid Rules.
1. Kerosene was
discovered in the 800s, but the liquid wasn’t utilized until the 1800s.
If you had a microscope powerful enough to zoom in to the
molecular structure of kerosene, you would see a tangle of noodles: long
chains of carbon atoms with hydrogen atoms branching off each carbon.
Judging solely by appearance, kerosene is indistinguishable from water, but
water won’t take you from 0-500 miles per hour in a matter of seconds, or
from sea level to 30,000 feet in minutes, or from one side of the globe to
another in a few hours. At a molecular level, kerosene resembles olive oil
more than water. Olive oil is made of long, twisted chains that swirl and
branch out, rather than a bowl of noodles. By contrast, water molecules are
just a messy jumble of V-shaped compounds bumping into one another.
A Persian alchemist named Rhazes first discovered kerosene
over a millennium ago. He probably wasn’t envisioning metal objects flying
through the sky propelled by the substance he had just distilled, but he
did notice kerosene’s flammability and that the flame burned without
leaving any smoke or black residue. At that time, reliable indoor lighting
was a struggle around the world, one which probably would not have been
lost on him.
In the Middle East where Rhazes lived, people used
olive-oil-fueled lamps (think Aladdin’s magic lamp). Olive oil doesn’t burn
efficiently or cleanly because it’s relatively viscous as fuels go. But it
was a staple in ninth-century Persia. Everyone used it for cooking and it
was even the currency in which many people paid taxes to the empire.
For millennia, oil lamps were common in places where oil
could be harvested, whereas candles proved the preferred method where
animal fats and wax had to be relied on. For millennia people around the
world were looking for better alternatives that burned brighter, left less
residue, did not pose a huge fire hazard, and were cheap to produce. What
the world was looking for without knowing it was kerosene, but the world
slept on Rhazes’ discovery in the 800s. People continued using candles and
vegetable oils and slaughtering whales for fuel (more than 250,000 in the
1800s alone). It wasn’t until the 1800s that Europe began experimenting
with crude oil and distilling it down to the forms we’re familiar with today.
Today, we burn up massive amounts of oils like kerosene—about four billion
gallons everyday between flights, commutes, and its myriad other uses.
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2. Alcohol is
poison, but we drink it all the time.
Alcohol resembles kerosene at a molecular level. The
viscosity is similar, and like kerosene, alcohol is flammable. This can
make for a delightful flambéed dessert or a bar engulfed in flames.
What most people don’t realize is that alcohol is toxic,
even though words like “blood toxicity levels” and “intoxicated” are
commonly invoked. Alcohol is a toxin that mutes our nervous system, blunts
out cognitive faculties, and impairs our motor skills. But we consume it anyway
and even enjoy the toxin’s effects. We smile more, and become far less
Ethanol, the compound that makes alcohol alcohol,
is a member of what chemists call the hydroxyl group. Water joins the ranks
of the hydroxyl group due to structural similarities, and it is these
structural similarities that allow ethanol to dissolve in water. So when
you see alcohol percentages on a bottle of bourbon or wine, you are
learning the percentage of ethanol that dissolved in the solution. So more
ethanol dissolves in bourbon than beer, which is why the former is boozier.
Because ethanol molecules are minuscule, they slip past the
stomach lining and are quickly absorbed into the bloodstream via the
intestines. A fifth of the ethanol you consume is absorbed directly into
your bloodstream via the stomach, which is why you feel the buzz almost
instantly. And, of course, less food in the stomach means the ethanol gets
past the stomach lining ever faster.
The toxin also inhibits hormone secretion that signals the
kidneys to conserve water, which is why drinking extra water mitigates the
toxin’s effects the next day.
3. Saliva might be
gross, but it protects your teeth and saves you the inconvenience of being
constantly sick.
Saliva is a source of embarrassment when you realize it’s
been dribbling down your chin or that you’ve sprayed someone in the process
of conveying your point. Body fluids have a way of triggering visceral
disgust in us humans and we’ve built social and religious codes about
keeping them contained. Even vicious criminals uphold this code of conduct
for the most part.
When body fluids are outside our bodies, they disgust us.
But they are absolutely essential for our survival and, in the case of
saliva, our ability to enjoy food. Saliva allows us to taste food to
determine whether it’s edible, nutritious, delicious, or poisonous and full
of bacteria as it activates taste receptors on the tongue. The liquid is
needed for taste. Saliva also keeps the mouth’s pH neutral—not too acidic
or alkaline. When bacteria feast on residual sugar between your teeth, they
make the environment more acidic, corroding your enamel and teeth. By
flushing away bacteria, the saliva reduces the acidity and saves your teeth
and gums. Saliva even contains calcium and other minerals that fortify your
pearly whites.
Your salivary glands work hard for you and produce about one
quart everyday. Some people, however, suffer from a condition called dry
mouth, where the salivary glands don’t produce enough. For most people the
idea of saliva donations and transfusions is pretty gross. The alternative
is artificial saliva, a gel or spray that you can spritz your mouth with to
deliver the nutrients and minerals that saliva naturally carries.
4. Teas come in
all forms, but they all trace back to just one plant.
Tea is the world’s most popular drink. It’s twice as popular
as coffee in the United Kingdom and that ratio gets even more lopsided in
many other parts of the world. It’s hard to get a reliable figure, but some
estimate 165 million cups of tea are consumed by Britons every day.
Tea options vary widely, but they all trace back to the same
plant: Camellia sinensis. The variation in teas comes from the
different processes involved in taking the leaves from bush to beverage.
Green teas are processed immediately after harvest, allowing
them to keep their green chlorophyll color, rather than turning brown and
black as other teas do. By contrast, black teas are made by allowing the
leaves to wilt first, which sucks the chlorophyll out, through a process
called oxidation.
When making a cup of tea, the water used impacts the flavor
more than you might suspect. You don’t want all the minerals extracted from
the water (distilled water), but you also don’t want too many minerals to
overwhelm the tea’s flavors. For instance, some areas have tap water with
high levels of calcium—often called “hard water.” The calcium ions will latch
on to the organic molecules in the tea leaves, creating a scummy residue at
the top of the glass and detracting from the tea-drinking experience.
The water’s temperature also makes a world of difference in
the outcome of the brew. Too low a temperature will give you an
unflavorful, under-extracted cup. Too high a temperature will extract more
of the astringent tannins and polyphenols that make your face contort and
dry out your mouth. Green teas are especially high in these, which is why
it’s best to steep at lower temperatures. Caffeine adds its own bitterness
to the mix, but if it’s a black tea, you don’t have to worry about the
astringent tannins and polyphenols, as these get pulled out through the
oxidation process (letting the leaves dry out).
It is easy to botch a cup of tea, but when the factors of
tea quality, water quality, water temperature, and brew time come together
well, it becomes more than fuel—it becomes an experience.
5. Earth is more
liquid than solid.
Terra firma
(solid ground) is a misleading term. Our planet is far less solid than you
might think—less solid and more liquid. Earth began as a molten sphere
billions of years ago, and the outside has been gradually cooling,
eventually becoming cool enough for life to emerge. There’s not only liquid
on Earth’s surface in the form of oceans, but down towards the center, too.
That molten ocean of liquid metal the planet began as remains. It’s a
thousand miles thick and it envelops the Earth’s deepest core: a solid
sphere of nickel and iron at 9,000 degrees Fahrenheit. Nine thousand
degrees is well beyond the melting point for either metal, but the
gravitational force throbbing toward the center of the planet changes that
iron and nickel into solid metal crystals.
The outer crust with which we are familiar, the one on which
forests, mountains, and buildings have grown up, is little more than
Earth’s epidermis. The outer layer is comprised of thin tectonic plates
only 20-60 miles thick, rock sheets floating around on a far thicker layer
of viscous liquid metal called the mantel.
These plates “creep” along the surface of the mantel they
rest on, and they often collide into each other. If you live in a place
like San Francisco, you understand how fluid that mantel is. San Francisco
sits on the fault line between frequently shifting Pacific and North
American plates. Usually these shifts create small tremors, but
occasionally they birth colossal rumbles that rend overpasses, bridges, and
buildings and rack up scores or hundreds of deaths. In an especially
violent quake in 1909, over 3,000 people died in San Francisco.
Mountains are another result of these tectonic collisions.
The Himalayas formed when the Indian subcontinent smashed into the Asian
mainland. Like the Himalayas, the Rockies, the Alps, and the Andes are all
located along fault lines. Mountains are also formed through volcanoes—and
in a much more efficient and epic manner. On occasion, their eruptions are
shattering enough to alter global weather patterns. In 1883, an active
volcano on an Indonesian island erupted with force equal to 13,000 atomic
bombs, decimating most of the island, and sending enough ash into the
atmosphere to cover the globe, block the sun for years, and bring down the
world’s temperatures.
6. Liquids are
more dynamic than gasses or solids, which is why they pull out such a wide
range of reactions from us.
You can count on solids. If you set a mug on the counter, it
will stay there until you pick it up again. If you put an ice cube on the
table though, it will melt into liquid water and spill into cracks where
bacteria can colonize, or onto the floor where it just makes a mess.
Liquids are unpredictable, especially if there’s no container to hold them.
It’s the liquids in our lives that invite mold in the bathroom, that rot
the timbers holding your home together, that put airport security on edge,
and cause slips when people miss the caution signs. But it is also liquids
that quench our thirst, that course through our veins, that keep us clean
and hygienic. Liquid is a source of potential and pandemonium. Much more
than solids or gasses, liquids tend to elicit our deepest disgust and
delight. What armpit stains and specialty cocktails hold in common is their
state of matter.
Even the same liquid in a different context or consistency
yields wildly divergent reactions. You might dread a slobbery kiss from an
aging relative, but from your lover? Saliva suddenly becomes more
tolerable. We walk past hardened chunks of dog poo without any trepidation,
but we are careful to give a wide berth when we see a moist, freshly
deposited mound. And if you step in it? You can barely stifle the gag
reflex. There is something about liquid that can make us uneasy and queasy
in a way that other forms of matter simply don’t.
We can only guess what our future relationship with liquids will be like,
if we will discover new compounds that revolutionize life as we know it or
if the liquids in our life now will continue to be the most influential and
consequential for our existence. In any case, our relationship with liquids
will continue to be a vital but complicated one.
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