Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Deep Learning Malware Can Fake Cancer on Medical Images

A deep learning algorithm successfully penetrated a healthcare organization and fooled both humans and an AI system with faked medical images.
April 05, 2019 - Deep learning has been hailed as a revolutionary tool for supporting faster, more accurate, and more detailed clinical decisions in radiology. 
Almost every day, researchers are releasing new studies that show the potential of artificial intelligence to supplement the work of humans, with many models meeting or surpassing the abilities of highly-trained physicians.
But what if curious researchers – or someone with more nefarious intentions – turned all that power against the clinicians they are supposed to be helping?
A new study from a team of Israeli researchers shows just how easy it has become to use deep learning as a way to alter medical images to add incredibly realistic cancerous tumors and fool even the best radiologists the majority of the time.
The team explains how to successfully infiltrate a typical health system’s PACS infrastructure and alter MRI or CT scan images using malware based on a type of machine learning called generative adversarial networks (GANs) to inject fake tumors or remove real cancers from the patient data.
These “deep fakes,” which are becoming a growing concern in political and social spheres – could have significant impacts on patient outcomes.
“Since 3D medical scans provide strong evidence of medical conditions, an attacker with access to a scan would have the power to change the outcome of the patient’s diagnosis,” the team explained.
“For example, an attacker can add or remove evidence of aneurysms, heart disease, blood clots, infections, arthritis, cartilage problems, torn ligaments or tendons, tumors in the brain, heart, or spine, and other cancers.”
There are numerous motivations for conducting this type of attack, the study continues.  Hackers may wish to influence the outcome of an election or topple a political figure by prompting a serious health diagnosis.  Or they might change images on a larger scale and hold the original data for ransom.
Individuals could use the strategy to commit insurance fraud or hide a murder; researchers or drug developers could fake their data to confirm a desired result.
Hundreds of commonly used PACS systems have unsecured internet connections that could provide an easy attack vector, the team noted, and the creativity of healthcare hackers seems to know no bounds.
The researchers conducted a simulated attack on a real hospital’s systems using a common sub-$50 computer known as Raspberry Pi.
“The Pi was given a USB-to-Ethernet adapter, and was configured as a passive network bridge (without network identifiers),” the team said. “The Pi was also configured as a hidden Wi-Fi access point for backdoor access.”
“We also printed a 3D logo of the CT scanner’s manufacturer and glued it to the Pi to make it less conspicuous.”
While the participating hospital was fully aware of the team’s activities and consented to the experiment, the healthcare organization was likely not very pleased by the ease with which the hackers physically installed the hardware and gained access to the network.
Equally concerning is the realism of the images produced by the deep learning models.  Radiologists had an extremely difficult time recognizing that the images had been altered, even when they were aware that the images may have been altered.
When three experienced clinicians were not told that they were looking at images that included fake lung cancer tumors, they confirmed a cancer diagnosis 99 percent of the time.
Success in attacks of medical images with deep learning
Source: Yisroel Mirsky et. al.
“When asked, none of the radiologists reported anything abnormal with the scans with the exception of [radiologist 2] who noted some noise in the area of one removal,” the team noted.
The radiologists were also convinced that the faked cancers were severe.
“With regards to the injected cancers, the consensus among the radiologists was that one-third of the injections require an immediate surgery/biopsy, and that all of the injections require follow-up treatments/referrals,” said the study.
“When asked to rate the overall malignancy of the [injected cancer] patients, the radiologists said that nearly all cases were significantly malign and pose a risk to the patient if left untreated.”
On images that had real tumors removed, the radiologists gave the all-clear to the patients 94 percent of the time.
Even when radiologists were warned that some of the images may have been altered, they still made mistakes.  Clinicians failed to note that injected tumors were fake 61 percent of the time, and did not identify that tumors had been removed on images 87 percent of the time.
In addition, the participating radiologists were not very confident in their decisions.  When asked to rate their confidence that they caught real or fake cancers, all of the clinicians showed serious doubts.  
Radiologist confidence in identifying faked cancers
Source: Yisroel Mirsky et. al.
The method even fooled an AI-based clinical decision support tool…one hundred percent of the time.  This is particularly concerning to artificial intelligence proponents who believe that AI can catch human errors more efficiently and improve the accuracy of decision-making. 
As AI becomes more and more sophisticated, and as the number of ransomware attacks and data breaches rises in healthcare, these sneaky, innovative threats may become more common. 
Organizations will have to carefully secure their infrastructure – and take painstaking effort to educate providers about how to practice medicine in a world where deep learning can be used to tamper with pretty much anything.   
“This paper demonstrates how we should be wary of closed world assumptions: both human experts and advanced AI can be fooled if they fully trust their observations,” the team stated. “We hope that this paper, and the supplementary datasets, help both industry and academia mitigate this emerging threat.”

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