March 06, 2019| By Jean-Marc Fix, FSA, MAAA
The bane of the writer
is the trite cliché, and yet I cannot avoid the temptation: “When life gives
you lemons, make lemonade” strongly comes to my mind as I think about seniors
in the workforce. As boomers, we are almost certainly living longer than the
generations that preceded us, and I am optimistic that this will be the case
for the generations following us, at least in developed countries. Yet to quote
from a Sightlines Project report co-sponsored by the SOA, “At age 55, boomers
had less wealth, home equity, and income but more debt than previous
generations measured at the same age.”1 The Great Recession is
partly to blame but changing lifestyles and life expectancy also play a part.
The fact remains that living longer with fewer assets, as the table
demonstrates, is an issue both at the individual and societal level.
Retirement as we know it
today is not sustainable. One way to rebalance the ratio of workers to retirees
is working longer and delaying retirement. However, changing the retirement age
is not a magic bullet. For one, it penalizes those who don’t live as long, who
also tend to be the poorest.

For the worker, the
solution to the retirement dilemma depends on a variety of factors. On the one
hand, delaying use of sparse retirement assets is valuable, but what about
continuing a possibly physically demanding job with little intellectual or
emotional satisfaction? For the employer, there is the value of retaining a
trained workforce, but it may be at the cost of clogging the promotional
pipeline. The one uncontested winner though is society: more tax revenue,
potentially fewer benefits paid out, and more productivity.
During the 2014 Living
to 100 Symposium, Sandra Timmerman suggested that we need to recognize what she
calls “Adulthood 2.0” for people ages 55 to 75.2 Should being
in the workforce mean the same thing for that age group as it does for a new
entrant into the job market? We know that the need for health insurance keeps
many workers tied to a job or an employer they do not like. We also know that
many older workers would prefer a career direction that, although more
satisfying, may not pay the bills or provide financial safety.
We live in a time where
there is a magic age – retirement age – where everything changes. This has been
reinforced by regulations like Medicare and Social Security. But the fortunate,
literally as well as figuratively, often don’t truly retire. They still belong
to the workforce but in a different way, maybe in another job with more
So what is that magic bullet? Flexibility.
In an attempt to be
controversial in order to spark discussion, Anna Rappaport, during the same
2014 Symposium, suggested that the regulations meant to protect older workers had
the side effect of preventing retirement innovation by employers.3
Perhaps we need to be
more open-minded in the way we think about career options for an older worker.
Employers need to move away from the notion of “full time” worker into
alternative work arrangements. This approach would benefit parents and
caregivers as well as older employees, and maybe even suit the lifestyle of
millennials better as well. Flexibility of regulations to protect without
dictating or stymieing innovation should also be examined.
The role of technology
in facilitating aging has been discussed, but technology does not come cheap
and sufficient assets are required to ensure access to that technology. But
along with the costs come many benefits. As Tamara Burden highlighted in her
presentation in 2017, there are unprecedented opportunities to monetize dormant
assets and share resources in this gig economy.4 For example,
sharing your home or a room in your home (using a resource like Airbnb) or
driving your car for Uber can bring extra revenue at minimal cost. But other
assets that have been harder to monetize, like time and skills, can also bring
financial rewards thanks to various app platforms.
So here’s to us, older
people of today and soon to be older people of tomorrow, and as a participant
in an industry whose business is to “make the future easier.” To quote Fiddler
on the Roof, “To life!”
2018 The Sightlines
Project, "Seeing Our Way to
Financial Security in the Age of Increasing Longevity," Special
Report, Sightlines Project, October 2018, Stanford Center on Longevity research
sponsored in part by SOA.
2014 Living to 100
Monograph,"1C: Panel: Perspectives
and Implications to Stakeholders of Increasing Longevity,"
Moderator: Timothy F. Harris; Panelists: Robert L. Brown, Jennifer A. Haid,
Sally Hass, Sandra Timmermann.
2014 Living to 100
Monograph, "2C: Panel: Developing a
Winning Strategy to Address the Good, the Bad and the Wrinkled of Our Aging
Workforce," Moderator: Anna M. Rappaport; Panelists: Donald
Fuerst, Sally Hass, Haig Nalbantian.
2017 Living to 100
Symposium, "Session 5B: What is
Different Today for Post-Retirement Financial Planning?"
Moderator: Jean-Marc Fix; Presenter: Tamara Burden.
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