Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Four Factors For Living A Life Of No Excuses

There are four significant factors that contribute to living a 'No Excuses' lifestyle:

ATTITUDE: Attitude is a choice, not a skill set.

You can change it if you want to....and that change can be vast and fast. When you approach things with a positive attitude, you create momentum and attract like-minded people with the right attitude toward yourself. We all have something in our life we could use as excuses to prevent us from doing what we know we need to do if we choose to. But with a positive attitude, we can choose to conquer those things instead and not let them get in the way of our success. Attitude affects your thinking, creativity, performance, and results. A 'No Excuses' mindset means not letting anything get in your way. "An attitude of gratitude will bring you altitude in business and a multitude of blessings in life."

You've probably heard it before-attitude is everything. And the reason you've heard it so many times is that it's true.  Our attitude towards our job, our daily life, our relationships and so much more, determines our altitude in both business and life. Positive thinking generates positive results. But attitude is also critical for one other reason-it allows us to overcome obstacles by living a life of 'No Excuses.'

CHOICES: We make choices, and our choices make us.

It is the consistency of making choices daily, that yields results. The type of results you get depends greatly on the nature of the choices you make--and your values. Everyone has core values, and we make our decisions by putting them through the filter of those values. People who can decide things fast are in touch with their core values. It enables them to process decisions quickly. It is much harder to make choices when our core values are not clear. If you are missing your core values, or are confused about them, decisions become difficult. You wind up torn, with a lot of "should I?" or "shouldn't I?" dialog inside your head. Determine your core values and make your choices accordingly.


When I was new in this country and business, I didn't know the language or the culture, yet I still chose to go into sales. To compensate for those 'disadvantages,' I began working longer and harder than everyone else. I felt like it was the only way to outdo and outlearn others. I had to work harder to get the same results as everybody I worked with. When I finally mastered English and understood the culture, the challenge was gone-but the work habits stayed with me. If it hadn't been for that challenge, I wouldn't have the work ethic I have today. And I probably wouldn't have the same success either.

We tend to let disadvantages become obstacles, rather than reasons for motivation. Motivation pushes us to become better, bigger, bolder. Once we fall into the trap of using excuses, it becomes harder to stay positive and get motivated, because now those excuses become part of your life and who you are.

To outlearn and outdo everybody, you have to form new habits. You must be willing to work hard. The secret to success is really no secret at all-it's just hard work. "You don't chase or own success. Success is rented-and rent is due every day."

COACHING: Change is a difficult process. It can truly only take place in an environment of support, structure, and sacrifice. 

Support comes from asking for help, seeking professional coaching, and surrounding yourself with the right people. Structure requires accountability, a follow-up system, and action. Sacrifice requires paying the price and getting out of your comfort zone but staying in your strength zone.
Getting ourselves to change and form new habits is not easy. Often it requires the help of an executive coach to help you transform your self-limiting beliefs and see the options and opportunities in front of you.

Having a coach is essential to your growth. You may not have the clarity you need to progress the way you want. This is where a good coach comes in. They can help you increase your emotional intelligence and remove the obstacles in your mind. Coaching enables you to change your point of view, so you can see and make different choices. It replaces your excuses and limiting beliefs with empowering dreams and increased self-confidence that allows you to evolve and grow.

God has already given you everything you need to be successful. So, if your goal is to realize your dreams and reach for the stars, change your attitude, and lose the excuses. Your creativity, your thinking, and your performance will quickly improve beyond your expectations. The results will elevate your altitude, your business--and your life.

Farshad Asl

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