Thursday, June 4, 2020

Hospitals Starting to See Troubling Signs

From Dr Peter Attia: Just received word from an ICU doctor at a small NY hospital: They are officially out of ventilators and are now double venting patients with COVID (using the same ventilator for 2 infected patients). Do everything possible to avoid infection. PLEASE ISOLATE as best you can (Twitter). 

From Rod Dreher: I keep hearing from people that it’s their “right” to decide if they want to risk exposure to the virus. But this is where it ends up: burdening the overwhelmed hospitals. Enough about your “rights”! Think of your DUTIES! (Twitter).  

The death toll in Italy jumped on Tuesday (Business Insider).  

At the same time, China’s health minister said Wuhan had no new cases yesterday, the first time since this began (NY Post). 

The virus hit one New Jersey family hard, infecting 7 and killing three with others in the hospital (NY Times).  

It’s also spreading quickly among the Hasidic Jewish communities in Brooklyn (NY Times).  

In Italy, more than 2000 are in ICU (Fox News). 

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