Monday, May 3, 2021

NDVA Newsletter - April 2021

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NDVA Newsletter

Nebraska BBR Webinar: Economic Impact of Nebraska Military Assets

Nebraska BBR Webinar: The Economic Impact of Nebraska Military Assets and Spending – FY 2019 Update

The Bureau of Business Research at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln partnered with the Nebraska Commission on Military and Veterans Affairs to examine the economic impact of federal spending on military assets and support for veterans in Nebraska. The webinar presented the Fiscal Year 2019 update in these areas. Click to watch Mitch Herian, Project Director for the Bureau of Business Research, and Phil O’Donnell, Military Affairs Liaison for the Commission on Military and Veteran Affairs, explain the report and answer questions from those attending the webinar.

Victory in Europe Day: 76th Anniversary

World War II Proclamation. Commemorates the Seventy Sixth anniversary of World War 2 and proclaims the eighth of May 2021 as World War II Commemoration Day

Governor Pete Ricketts signed a proclamation declaring May 8th to be the 76th anniversary of the end of World War II. May 8th specifically marks Victory in Europe Day, which is the day celebrating the formal acceptance of Germany’s unconditional surrender of its armed forces by the Allies. Read or download the proclamation by clicking above.

Nebraska Veterans’ Gateway

Nebraska Veterans Gateway graphic. Information about our resource expert, job converter, and job search tools.

If you’re a veteran looking for employment or entrepreneurship resources, NDVA’s Nebraska Veterans’ Gateway is here to help you. Let our resource expert help you find resources related to transition assistance, employment, education, and entrepreneurship, and utilize our Job Converter that matches your military occupational specialty with similar civilian jobs. You can also view job openings across Nebraska, and view career tools from organizations like the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and the Nebraska Department of Labor.

View The Nebraska Veterans’ Gateway

Veterans’ Honor Signs

Picture of a Veteran's Honor Sign. Names are Bill Crawford, Larry Peters, and Brent Sawyer of the United States Army

American Legion Riders Post #93 is honoring veterans by having a commemorative service branch sign made and displayed on the city street lights of downtown O’Neill, Nebraska. This will be a long-lasting tribute to those who have served. Cost per name is $100, and all proceeds go to local veterans and families. You can contact the American Legion Riders either through email or through their Facebook page. There are also sign up forms in the Holt County Veteran Service Office and at businesses around town.

For any questions, call Doug at 402-841-7386, Brent at 402-340-9586, or Deb at 402-340-1547.

Health Information Manager Opening at NDVA’s Central Office

Health Information Manager picture. person working at a laptop, with a web connecting medical images together in front of it.

NDVA is looking for a detail-oriented team player to join our Accounting and Finance Division as a Health Information Manager at the Nebraska Department of Veterans’ Affairs. This position is responsible for training and educating the four Veterans’ Home Health Information teams as well as ensuring agency compliance of medical documentation standards and medical services provided at the State Veterans’ Homes. To learn more about the position and apply, please visit the link below.

Learn More About the Health Information Manager Opening

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Nebraska Department of Veterans' Affairs

301 Centennial Mall South

4th Floor

Lincoln, NE 68508-2529

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