Wednesday, August 9, 2017

CMS releases updated data on Medicare hospice utilization and payment

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services is pleased to announce the second annual release of the Medicare Hospice Utilization and Payment Public Use File (Hospice PUF). The Hospice PUF is a comprehensive resource for information on hospice utilization, payments, submitted charges, diagnoses, and beneficiary demographics organized by hospice provider and state. With this data, it is now possible to analyze trends in the delivery of hospice care, as well as variation across geographic regions or individual hospice providers.  The Hospice PUF also includes a number of metrics on hospice beneficiary demographics and sites of service to facilitate analyses of differences in the patient population across providers.
The public data set includes information on 4,232 hospice providers, over 1.38 million hospice beneficiaries, and over $15.9 billion in Medicare payments for 2015.  It does not contain any individually identifiable information about Medicare beneficiaries.

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