Thursday, March 5, 2020

Kicking off #DDawareness2020

News & Events
March 05, 2020

Kicking off #DDawareness2020

This week marks the start of Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month!
As in previous years, the National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities is partnering with the Association for University Centers on Disabilities and the National Disabilities Rights Network on a DD Awareness Month social media campaign. The campaign seeks to raise awareness about the inclusion of people with developmental disabilities in all areas of community life and the barriers that people with disabilities still sometimes face in connecting to the communities in which they live.
The campaign has released a DD Awareness Month Resource Guide (PDF) full of tips and resources to help you and your organization can celebrate the month. You can also follow #DDawareness2020 on Twitter to see how others are celebrating. 
The campaign will continue to accept submissions of videos, toolkits, news articles, photos, personal stories, promising practices, and more to add in their resource guide. The campaign is also accepting artwork by people with disabilities which it will highlight online.
ACL is proud of the work our grantees do every day to empower people with and without disabilities to live, work, and thrive side-by-side in the community. We hope you will join us in celebrating the many ways people with developmental disabilities and their families make our communities stronger.

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