Tuesday, November 30, 2021

10 Things Employees Are Dying to Hear Their Managers Say …

10 Things Employees Are Dying to Hear Their Managers Say …


November 30, 2021

Employees crave more than just a paycheck from work. They want to go home feeling valued and respected for the job they do.


The problem is, in the midst of everyday chaos, it’s hard for managers to think about big-picture issues like employee morale and motivation.


Here are 10 phrases or questions that managers can use with employees to help build respect, gratitude and trust, according to a new book by Todd Patkin, Finding Happiness. Incorporate them into your at-work vocabulary:


1. “I need your help.” Your employees don’t expect you to have all the answers. Rather than lose respect for you as a leader, they’ll appreciate that you treated them as valued partners. And they’ll feel more invested in the company’s future.


2. “How is your family?” People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. Employees will be more loyal and motivated if they feel valued as individuals, not just as job descriptions. So get to know employees on an individual basis and incorporate that knowledge into your regular interactions.


3. “What do you need from me?” Employees may be anxious about asking the boss for what they need, whether it’s new equipment or more time on a project. By asking what you can give them, you extend permission for your people to make those requests.


4. “Thank you.” Praise, especially when it comes from an authority figure, is incredibly fulfilling. People love to hear positive feedback about themselves, and in most cases, they’ll be willing to work a lot harder to keep the compliments and thanks coming.


5. “Hey, everyone—listen to what Mike accomplished!” Don’t stop with a compliment when an employee experiences a big win—tell the rest of the team, too! Verbal praising isn’t the only way. Highlight those successes on the company website, newsletters or bulletin board.

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