offers free TB testing commemorating
World TB Day
Wanted: Leaders for a TB-Free United States. We can make
history. End TB.
DALLAS (March 20, 2018) – Dallas County Health and Human
Services (DCHHS) joins the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in
recognizing World TB Day, which commemorates the discovery of the bacteria that
causes tuberculosis (TB). Tuberculosis is one of the world's deadliest diseases
and can attack the lungs, kidney, spine and brain. In commemoration of World TB
Day, DCHHS will be hosting a two day action event by providing free TB testing
and raising awareness in Dallas County.
- Free TB skin testing will take
place Friday, March 23 at 2377 N Stemmons in Dallas from 9 a.m. to 2
p.m. Testing will take place in Suite 300.
- Saturday, March 24 DCHHS public
health educators will be at TR Hoover Multipurpose Center, 5106 Bexar St
in Dallas from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. providing public health education during
a community health fair.
“This initiative is another effort to help raise awareness of
the prominence of TB worldwide,” said Ganesh Shivaramaiyer, DCHHS interim
director. “People with TB disease can be found in every state; in rural areas,
cities; in schools, workplaces, homes; and in many other places where people
are in close contact.”
In Dallas County, the number of annual TB cases have decreased
by 36% from 1993 to 2016; however, cases still exist.
“DCHHS is making strides to eliminate TB in Dallas County by
spreading awareness, implementing improved testing and treatments, and making
it easier for clients to successfully complete therapy,” said Dr. Christopher
Perkins, Dallas County health authority/medical director.” “Our TB staff
regularly visits homeless shelters to test the
homeless population for TB in addition to partnering with Parkland
Hospital and other service providers to provide health
screenings and immunizations.”
During this year’s free skin testing event, children must be at
least 5 years old to be tested and parental consent is required for anyone
under the age of 18 years old. DCHHS also offers TB skin testing every weekday
except Thursday for adults and children. The cost is $30.
More information can be found on the Dallas County Health and
Human Services website at http://www.dallascounty.org/hhs/.

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