April 10, 2018 | 7:19pm | Updated
President Trump’s new
executive order on welfare reform has laid the groundwork to get more Americans
back to work while protecting and strengthening the safety net for the truly
needy. Federal agencies must take advantage of this opportunity to roll back
harmful Obama-era policies that have trapped families in dependency and cost
taxpayers billions.
Right now, America combines near-record-low
unemployment with near-record-high welfare dependency — the result of
state-level eligibility exemptions, federal loopholes and policies that put
work on the back burner. Many of these policies created incentives for
able-bodied adults to sit on the sidelines — even though there is good,
well-paying work to be done. The resulting safety net isn’t a safety net at all
— it has entrapped able-bodied adults in dependency and threatened resources
for the truly needy.
But welfare reform can change that. And the
Trump administration has just given agency leaders a road map to do so.
The executive order, signed Tuesday afternoon,
lays out principles to encourage economic mobility through work — a tactic that
we’ve seen succeed in states across the nation. It calls for a strengthened
work requirement for able-bodied adults, building off the requirement
established in the 1996 bipartisan welfare reform that requires able-bodied
adults on food stamps to work, train or volunteer for at least 20 hours per
Despite evidence that work requirements work —
cutting time spent on welfare in half, doubling incomes and moving adults into
over 600 diverse industries — the Obama administration approved waivers for
those requirements in most states, citing high unemployment and severe job
What happened when states no longer required
able-bodied adults to work to receive benefits? Predictably, the number of able-bodied
adults on food stamps skyrocketed, more than tripling since 2000, while the
cost to taxpayers went up fivefold.
Even though unemployment has since rebounded
to near-record lows and more than 6 million jobs are open nationwide, these
Obama-era waivers are still in place and many states continue to operate
expanded welfare rolls under them.
Federal agencies should follow the White
House’s guidance to change that by declining to renew these waivers and
strengthening the work requirement for able-bodied adults, returning the
food-stamp program to the law’s original bipartisan intent and rolling back the
unsustainable spike in welfare recipients.
Based on the experience of states that
reinstated work requirements, this common-sense reform would move millions of
able-bodied adults from welfare to work while saving taxpayers billions —
ensuring the safety net is in place for those who truly need it.
The good news doesn’t end there. Because the
executive order spans multiple programs — including Medicaid and food stamps,
among others — agency leaders have the opportunity to bring much-needed change
to all welfare programs. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services must
continue to approve states’ waiver requests to implement work requirements for
able-bodied adults in Medicaid, as more and more states follow the example set
by Arkansas, Indiana and Kentucky. Agencies should look to eliminate loopholes
that allow automatic enrollment into welfare programs without asset tests or
other tests of need, and should look to implement anti-fraud initiatives to
crack down on welfare fraud and preserve limited resources for the truly needy.
The Trump administration hasn’t been shy about
its desire for welfare reform — and rightly so, given out-of-control enrollment
and spending that has resulted in a massive dependency crisis. This executive
order provides a pathway to a welfare system that protects the needy without
trapping the unwary.
History and experience tell us that if federal
and state agencies follow through on the reform principles the president has
laid out, we can protect the safety net for the needy while filling millions of
open jobs and creating billions of dollars in federal and state budget savings.
That would be a good day’s work.
Kristina Rasmussen is vice president of federal affairs at the Foundation for Government Accountability.
Kristina Rasmussen is vice president of federal affairs at the Foundation for Government Accountability.
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