Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Here Are the Top Strategies to Stay Memorable

When was the last time you had a memorable experience with a person or a brand? Why did it leave such a lasting impression?
Leaving your mark on others can establish familiarity and trust with those who you positively influence. Of course, trust is the most crucial component to a successful relationship between a client and their financial professional. Because we live in a time where experiences generally resonate more deeply with people than laid-out facts, demonstrating that you are a devoted resource isn't as easy as merely handing someone your attractive brochure. Staying memorable involves creating an impactful experience for the person with whom you're interacting that will remain in their minds much longer than an uneventful encounter.
Whether you're captivating an audience while hosting an educational seminar, meeting with a client, or conversing with a new colleague, being personable and memorable will help solidify their positive experience with you in their memory.
Here are four ways to influence your prospects and clients:
  1. Tell a story: Engaging and personal stories that relate to what you're discussing is a great way to make the concepts you're talking about reality. In her article "How to Tell a Great Story" published in the Harvard Business Review, Carolyn O’Hara says: 
“Stories create ‘sticky’ memories by attaching emotions to things that happen. That means leaders who can create and share good stories have a powerful advantage over others. And fortunately, everyone has the ability to become a better storyteller.”
By associating stories with your discussions, the emotions involved will allow you to connect on a deeper level with the individual, making for a meaningful interaction.
  1. Personalize: Every person is unique and so is the way they communicate and understand new ideas. If you're in a meeting discussing finances with a client, make sure you accommodate different learning styles. For example, if your client seems to respond to visual aids, they might be a visual learner. Draw out a mind map of their finances and goals. Finding commonalities in everyday conversation with someone will also create a noteworthy bond. Share aspects of your life that others can relate with. Are you a sports fan? Any kids? Find common ground so you can connect personally with the individual.
  2. Create a comfortable atmosphere: A stiff office or a bland presentation room isn't going to help develop a pleasant experience for your audience. Try to brighten and warm otherwise stark locations. Display banners with your logo and immerse your audience in your brand and its identity. Provide refreshments that are seasonally appropriate – warm cookies and coffee in winter and fresh fruit and lemonade in summer.
  3. Branded swag: Of course, people enjoy fun takeaways. At the close of your memorable and positive interaction, give the person something to take home with them, maybe a branded stress ball or a mug. Tailor your giveaway to the purpose of your encounter. If you were meeting with a client to close business, maybe a company t-shirt.
With the ubiquitous presence of the worldwide web, creating memorable experiences no longer applies exclusively to face-to-face interactions. Developing an impactful online presence is vital to your business. Anyone should be able to google you to learn about you and your business.
Here are three ways to connect with people online:
  1. Relevant content: Whether it's social media posts, blogs, or emails, make sure that you're sharing meaningful and relevant information with your audience based on their buyer personas. Don't just push out content that promotes your brand. Share knowledge, industry news, and fun facts that will interest your audience. Just make sure to stay compliant.
  2. Media: Vary the ways you display your content. Long paragraphs won't capture everyone's attention; videos, pictures, and infographics look attractive and are easy to digest.
  3. Engage: Be responsive to your audience on social media. Maintaining an open and engaging brand presence online as well as in person keeps your brand identity consistent and welcoming.
Meaningful brand experiences inspire people and get them talking. Providing a unique and worthwhile opportunity for an individual to relate with you and learn something new will go a long way. The first step is putting yourself out there. Join us at our next RIA Academy and let's connect!

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