There is a new healthcare coverage option available to
employers of all sizes: the individual coverage health reimbursement arrangement
(HRA)! The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) is hosting
webinars on these HRAs, and the next webinar is one week away. Don’t miss
your chance to learn more about this new way to provide your employees
tax-preferred funds to pay for qualified medical expenses, including the
cost of health insurance coverage purchased in the individual market.
The presentation will be followed by a Q&A session,
where you will be able to ask any HRA-related questions.
Click the button below to
register for the webinar!
We encourage you to share this
email and registration link with your colleagues, business partners, and
other employers in your community who may be interested in learning more
about the new HRA opportunities.
Additionally, if you attended
previous HRA webinars and still have unanswered questions or would like to
listen to the presentation again, feel free to join us again on May 27.
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