– An Important First Step Towards Reversing Bias in Favor of Medicare
September 20, 2021
in the Fall of 2017, the Center for Medicare Advocacy (the Center) and
other advocacy organizations highlighted that, in a marked change from previous
practice, the Trump Administration’s Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Services’ (CMS) outreach and enrollment materials promoted enrollment in
private Medicare Advantage (MA) plans, while downplaying the drawbacks of
such plans. At the same time, these materials – including revisions to
recent editions of Medicare
& You, online comparison tools (including the Medicare Plan
Finder and associated materials), and education and outreach materials –
tended to downplay (or in the case of some email campaigns, entirely leave
out), the option of traditional/Original Medicare. Instead of objectively
presenting enrollment options, some of this material went as far as
encouraging beneficiaries to choose a private MA plan over traditional
Medicare. (For a catalogue of such bias in Medicare materials in recent
years, see the Addendum to this report, below.)
there were some general improvements in the 2021 Medicare & You
handbook, bias towards Medicare Advantage remained, and in some ways, was
worse. Enrollment in MA plans was promoted at the same time that important
restrictions and challenges faced when enrolling in MA plans were
downplayed or omitted. Regrettably, when we had an opportunity to review
the 2022 draft – along with a number of other stakeholders – we found that
much of this bias remained.
recently posted the final Medicare & You
2022 Handbook on their website. We reviewed the new handbook
with an eye toward assessing the balance of information provided about
traditional Medicare vs. Medicare Advantage, and the accuracy of
information regarding coverage. We
are pleased to report that while there is still work to do, the new
Handbook makes important strides towards reversing the bias in favor of MA
that was prevalent in recent editions. In this report, we
examine the improvements, and highlight where more attention is needed.

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