by Eli Richman | Nov 19, 2018 4:24pm

When the Medicare Advantage program was created, just 3% of the
Medicare population participated. But both Republicans and Democrats have made
policy decisions that increased enrollment significantly. (Eli
Medicare Advantage enrollment and spending are expected
to surge over the next decade, until more than 4 in 10 beneficiaries are
in the program by 2028.
The MA enrollment rate is set to grow from 34% in 2018 to 42%
over the next 10 years. As the share of the population on MA grows, public
perception of Medicare could shift significantly, according to the New England
Journal of Medicine (NEJM).
"The Medicare of tomorrow could look much different than it
does today—more like a marketplace of private plans, with a backup public plan,
and less like a national insurance program. This may or may not be the program
that people envision when they talk about Medicare for All," NEJM authors
wrote in a recent report.
Beneficiaries have grown fond of MA plans due to their strong
financial protections and the extra benefits they provide, like dental care and
gym memberships. Yet those extra benefits are also set to take a toll on
Spending on MA beneficiaries is expected to almost triple,
from $206 billion in 2018 to $584 billion in 2028, according to projections
from the Congressional Budget Office (PDF).
NEJM suggested that this public spending could become a more political issue as
spending spikes, even though the plans are popular.
"Policymakers could face tough choices in the future as
they seek to balance competing demands to reduce the growth in Medicare
spending and also provide plan choice and extra benefits," the authors
wrote. "To achieve savings, they could, for example, reduce plan bonus
payments and rebates. … Striking the right balance in payment policy from the
perspective of beneficiaries, insurers, and the federal government is likely to
remain a considerable challenge."
Insurers like UnitedHealthcare, Aetna and Anthem have reported huge windfalls from the government
program that is administered by private plans. And new regulatory flexibilities
have CEOs bullish about the future. The program is also attracting new startups
like Oscar Health and Devoted Health.
Over the past decade, the program has grown from 21% of Medicare
beneficiaries to 34%. But inequity issues are also likely to become more
acute as MA enrollment grows, as not everyone has the same access to the same
plans. Among other things, MA tends to have a smaller footprint in rural areas,
according to NEJM, so beneficiaries in those areas are also more likely to be
on traditional Medicare.
These disparities can be problematic not just because of the
extra benefits MA plans provide but also because of their financial
protections. Unlike traditional Medicare, MA plans are required by CMS to have
an out-of-pocket limit; in 2018, the average enrollee had an annual limit of
$5,215. This can make a huge difference to seniors, many of whom live on fixed
incomes with high healthcare costs.
"More than one-third of all beneficiaries in traditional
Medicare spent at least 20% of their per capita income on out-of-pocket
health-related costs in 2013," NEJM wrote. "In addition, Medicare
Advantage plans offer the convenience of one-stop shopping by covering all
Medicare benefits; in contrast, most beneficiaries in traditional Medicare have
wraparound supplemental coverage."
As a result of these changing expectations, future
policymakers may either have to alter access to MA plans or change the benefits
incorporated in traditional Medicare, NEJM suggested.
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