Monday, March 30, 2020

A Secret Very Few Insurance Agents Use

March 25th, 2020
When I was building my companies, I often would ask myself the question, “Why would someone want to do business with me?”
I surprised myself with the many answers I came up with. But the one that always resulted in clients was the “Attraction I set up for them to become my client.”
It doesn’t require a Magic Pill to make that happen. You were drawn to me because of the valuable information I share with you each month and helping you to grow your practice and creating more and more customers by implementing the strategies and ideas I give you. 
What is the secret? 

It’s Attraction Marketing.
Attraction Marketing is just another way to attract prospects to you, your product and your services. 
It’s all about injecting yourself into all that you are doing, so that the individuals feel as if you are a real person and not another faceless name online or offline.
The most important part of Attraction Marketing is that you are really selling yourself. Not the product and not the service. It’s all about you as a person. It’s about how you talk, think, and look. 
When you offer yourself and your knowledge through a success marketing campaign, and I must stress, in an effort to genuinely help others, your process will result in a steady flow of prospects, leads, and sales.
But you can’t fake it. What you are really saying is, “ Here I am. Let’s talk.”
Envision it this way. Say that you are purchasing something at your local mall and the salesperson is really pushing hard to make the sale.
I’m sure you will agree with me that this type of behavior really repels customers.
By the way, the same is true for salespeople who just stand around looking bored. 
When was the last time you actually bought something because of the salesperson? Did they start out with a conversation or ask if they could help you?
Did they sound polite when you said you were just looking?
Do you see the difference?
Even if you weren’t persuaded to purchase something at that moment, you felt as if you had a good experience. 
We are attracted to people who fulfill our basic needs of acknowledgment, who respect us, and treat us well. 
Now apply that in your enterprise. That is what Attraction Marketing is. 
Well, that’s it for this issue. Next time I’ll write about another solution to problems you might be having and how to reverse them…

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