April 14, 2020
Daniel J. Gottlieb, MD,
MPH1,2,3; Naresh M. Punjabi, MD,
Importance Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) affects 17% of women
and 34% of men in the US and has a similar prevalence in other countries. This
review provides an update on the diagnosis and treatment of OSA.
Observations The most common presenting symptom of OSA is excessive
sleepiness, although this symptom is reported by as few as 15% to 50% of people
with OSA in the general population. OSA is associated with a 2- to 3-fold
increased risk of cardiovascular and metabolic disease. In many patients, OSA
can be diagnosed with home sleep apnea testing, which has a sensitivity of
approximately 80%. Effective treatments include weight loss and exercise,
positive airway pressure, oral appliances that hold the jaw forward during
sleep, and surgical modification of the pharyngeal soft tissues or facial
skeleton to enlarge the upper airway. Hypoglossal nerve stimulation is
effective in select patients with a body mass index less than 32. There are
currently no effective pharmacological therapies. Treatment with positive
airway pressure lowers blood pressure, especially in patients with resistant
hypertension; however, randomized clinical trials of OSA treatment have not
demonstrated significant benefit on rates of cardiovascular or cerebrovascular
Conclusions and Relevance OSA is common and the prevalence
is increasing with the increased prevalence of obesity. Daytime sleepiness is
among the most common symptoms, but many patients with OSA are asymptomatic.
Patients with OSA who are asymptomatic, or whose symptoms are minimally
bothersome and pose no apparent risk to driving safety, can be treated with
behavioral measures, such as weight loss and exercise. Interventions such as
positive airway pressure are recommended for those with excessive sleepiness
and resistant hypertension. Managing asymptomatic OSA to reduce cardiovascular
and cerebrovascular events is not currently supported by high-quality evidence.
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is characterized
by recurrent episodes of partial or complete collapse of the upper airway
during sleep, resulting in reduced (hypopnea) or absent (apnea) airflow lasting
for at least 10 seconds and associated with either cortical arousal or a fall
in blood oxygen saturation. OSA is present in approximately 25% of adults in
the US and is a major cause of excessive sleepiness, contributing to reduced
quality of life, impaired work performance, and increased motor vehicle crash
risk.1,2 OSA is associated with an
increased incidence of hypertension, type 2 diabetes mellitus, atrial
fibrillation, heart failure, coronary heart disease, stroke, and death.3-6 OSA can be diagnosed with either
home- or laboratory-based sleep testing, and effective treatments are available.
This review provides an update on the epidemiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis,
and management of OSA.
Discussion and Observations
We searched PubMed and Cochrane databases for
English-language studies of the epidemiology, diagnosis, and management of
adult OSA published from January 2010 to February 2020, and manually searched
the references of selected articles for additional relevant articles. Emphasis
was given to the selection of randomized clinical trials, systematic reviews,
meta-analyses, and clinical practice guidelines and to articles with relevance
to a general medical readership.
The presence and severity of OSA are typically
quantified by the apnea-hypopnea index (AHI), defined as the number of apneas
plus hypopneas per hour of sleep (or hour of recording for home tests). The
prevalence of OSA varies depending on the definition of hypopneas. Using the
conservative definition, requiring a 4% decline in blood oxygen saturation to
define hypopnea, the Wisconsin Sleep Cohort Study estimated that 17.4% of women
and 33.9% of men in the US aged 30 to 70 years had at least mild OSA, defined
as an AHI of 5 to 14.9 events per hour of sleep, while 5.6% of women and 13.0%
of men had moderate (AHI of 15-29.9) or severe (AHI ≥30) OSA.7 The prevalence of OSA increased
by approximately 30% between 1990 and 2010, with absolute increases of 4.2% in
women and 7.5% in men.7 The prevalence of OSA increases
with age and is approximately twice as common in men as in women. In the US,
the prevalence of OSA is approximately 26.6% in men and 8.7% in women among
individuals aged 30 to 49 years and approximately 43.2% in men and 27.8% in
women among individuals aged 50 to 70 years.7 This cohort was 96% non-Hispanic
white.7 A somewhat higher prevalence of
OSA was reported by the Jackson Heart Sleep Study, which estimated that OSA
prevalence among African American adults aged 50 to 80 years was 53.6%, with
moderate to severe OSA in 20.4% of individuals.8 In the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis,
the prevalence of OSA in adults aged 54 to 93 years exceeded 60%, with moderate
to severe OSA present in 30.3% of white individuals, 32.4% of African American
individuals, 38.2% of Hispanic individuals, and 39.4% of participants of
Chinese descent.9 A similar prevalence of OSA
exists in other high-income countries.10-13 OSA is associated with
overweight and obesity. Among individuals aged 30 to 49 years with a body mass
index (BMI) less than 25, the prevalence of OSA among men is 7.0% and among
women is 1.4%, compared with 44.6% among men and 13.5% among women with a BMI
of 30 to 39.9.7 The association of OSA with
obesity and male sex diminishes with age.7,14
OSA is characterized by repetitive partial or
complete collapse of the upper airway during sleep, resulting in episodic
reduction (hypopnea) or cessation (apnea) of airflow despite respiratory
effort. Contraction of upper airway dilator muscles is necessary to maintain
airway patency during inspiration. The most important upper airway dilator
muscle is the genioglossus muscle, which contracts with each inspiration to
prevent posterior collapse of the tongue, assisted by the levator and tensor
palatini muscles (advancing and elevating the soft palate) and the geniohyoid
and stylopharyngeus muscles (opposing medial collapse of the lateral pharyngeal
walls).3 Most people with OSA have a
narrow upper airway, typically caused by fat deposition in the parapharyngeal
fat pads and pharyngeal muscles15,16 or abnormalities in craniofacial
structure (Figure 1). These abnormalities include both
clinically evident anatomic abnormalities, such as micrognathia and
retrognathia, or subtle radiographic findings, such as inferior positioning of
the hyoid bone and shorter mandibular and maxillary length, which result in a
small maxillomandibular volume.2,17 The relative contribution of
soft tissue and bony abnormalities to OSA differs among individuals and between
populations; for example, for the same severity of OSA, Caucasian individuals
tend to be more overweight, while Chinese individuals have more craniofacial
bony restriction.18 In the presence of a small pharyngeal
airway, upper airway collapse is prevented when an individual is awakened by
the activity of pharyngeal dilator muscles. A decrease in both basal and
compensatory dilator muscle tone during sleep permits airway collapse.3,19
Obstructive apneas and hypopneas result in
large changes in intrathoracic pressure, intermittent hypoxemia, and arousal
from sleep (Figure 2). Although these arousals generally do
not wake the patient, this sleep fragmentation is the primary cause of
excessive sleepiness in individuals with OSA. Intermittent hypoxemia,
particularly with concomitant hypercapnia, activates the sympathetic nervous
system and is the major contributor to both acute and chronic elevation of
blood pressure (Figure 3).3,4 Increased catecholamine levels
decrease insulin sensitivity and, in animal models, promote pancreatic
beta-cell apoptosis, suggesting a possible mechanism underlying the association
of OSA with type 2 diabetes mellitus,20 which persists after adjustment
for demographic factors and BMI.21 Repetitive episodes of hypoxemia
increase reactive oxygen species, which may further contribute to vascular
disease, metabolic abnormalities, and inflammation.3
Clinical Presentation
The most common symptom of OSA is unrefreshing
sleep, with excessive sleepiness reported by up to 90% of patients with OSA
referred to sleep clinics22,23 (Table 1). Patients may also
report fatigue, tiredness, or lack of energy.24 In some studies, these symptoms
are more common than sleepiness.24 Excessive sleepiness is reported
by 15% to 50% of people with OSA identified through general population
screening.7,12,13,25 While some patients experience
awakenings accompanied by gasping or choking, awakenings without accompanying
symptoms are more typical. A systematic review concluded that on history and
physical examination, nocturnal gasping or choking is the most reliable
indicator of OSA, while snoring is not specific.26 A population study reported
nocturia at least 2 times per night in 37.4% of individuals with an AHI of at
least 20 per hour compared with 25.6% of those with an AHI of less than 20 per
hour (adjusted odds ratio, 1.64 [95% CI, 1.03-2.55]).27 Chronic morning headache
(occurring at least half of days) is twice as common in individuals with OSA as
in the general population.28 These headaches, characterized
by a bilateral pressure sensation, resolve within hours of awakening and are of
unknown etiology. Nocturnal gastroesophageal reflux is approximately twice as
common in patients with OSA as in the general population.29 Difficulty falling asleep is
unlikely to be caused by OSA.30 Typical signs of OSA include
habitual snoring, present in 50% to 60% of those with OSA, and witnessed apneas
during sleep, present in 10% to 15% of those with OSA. The latter is twice as
common as in those without OSA.11,14,31 Recent studies estimate the
prevalence of OSA at 73% to 82% in individuals with resistant hypertension,32,33 76% to 85% in individuals with atrial
fibrillation,34,35 65% to 85% in individuals with
type 2 diabetes,36 71% in individuals with stroke,37 and 71% to 77% in patients
undergoing bariatric surgery.38,39
Assessment and Diagnosis
Because of the high prevalence of OSA and
patients often not reporting sleep problems to clinicians, the review of systems
should include asking about snoring, breathing pauses at night, and excessive
fatigue or sleepiness during the day (Box). Questionnaires available for assessing OSA
risk include the Berlin Questionnaire,40 developed for use in the primary
care setting, and the STOP-Bang questionnaire,41 developed for preoperative
screening. The Epworth Sleepiness Scale42 is widely used in both clinical
practice and research to assess sleepiness, but has low sensitivity for OSA43 (Table 2). There are no physical examination
findings specific to OSA, although it is approximately twice as common in
individuals who are overweight and 4 times as common in individuals with
obesity compared with individuals without overweight or obesity.7,10,12,13 Examination of the upper airway
may identify anatomic abnormalities, such as tonsillar hypertrophy,
macroglossia, or retrognathia, but normal upper airway examination findings do
not exclude OSA. If the clinical evaluation suggests OSA, diagnostic
confirmation requires overnight testing.
What is the most sensitive and specific question
for identifying OSA?
“Do you snore” is the most sensitive and “Do you
stop breathing during sleep” is the most specific question to identify a
patient at risk for OSA.
Does every patient with overweight or obesity need
to be referred for a sleep study?
Although overweight and obesity are strong risk
factors for OSA, not every patient with overweight or obesity needs to undergo
a sleep study. However, they should be questioned for OSA-related signs and
symptoms. Most asymptomatic patients do not need to be referred for a sleep study.
Do patients need to spend a night in the sleep
laboratory for diagnosis and management of OSA?
For most patients in whom OSA is suspected, the
diagnosis can be made with a home sleep apnea test, in which a sleep apnea
monitor is worn overnight in the patient’s home. If OSA is confirmed by the
home test, positive airway pressure (PAP) therapy can usually be initiated at
home using an automatic titrating PAP device. If there is a high suspicion for
OSA and the home test findings are negative for OSA, laboratory-based
polysomnography should be recommended.
What are the benefits of managing OSA?
Daytime sleepiness, fatigue, quality of life, and
blood pressure have all been documented to improve with management of OSA.
Current evidence suggests that treatment does not reduce the risk of
cardiovascular disease, stroke, or metabolic abnormalities in asymptomatic
What should a patient with OSA do if they need to
have surgery?
Patients with known OSA should inform all
clinicians involved in their perioperative care, including their surgeon and
anesthesiologist, of their OSA diagnosis. Patients using PAP should continue
this therapy in the perioperative period. Patients with known or suspected OSA should
be monitored closely during the perioperative period, and the use of opiate
analgesics should be minimized or avoided if possible.
Are there nonsurgical alternatives for patients who
are unable to tolerate PAP therapy?
Mandibular advancement devices, weight loss,
exercise, avoiding sleep in the supine position, and abstaining from alcohol
can be beneficial for patients who are unable to tolerate PAP therapy. There
are no medications currently approved for the management of OSA.
Testing for OSA is recommended in any patient
with unexplained excessive sleepiness, fatigue, or unrefreshing sleep. Testing
should be considered in patients with unexplained nocturia, nocturnal
gastroesophageal reflux, morning headache, or frequent nocturnal awakenings,
particularly in the setting of snoring, witnessed nocturnal apneas, or
overweight body habitus. Because of the absence of a clear treatment benefit in
people without symptoms, the US Preventive Services Task Force does not
recommend screening for OSA in asymptomatic people (Box).45 However, screening may be
appropriate in individuals whose occupation involves driving46 or in patients with resistant
The standard diagnostic test is
laboratory-based polysomnography, during which both sleep and respiratory
parameters are monitored (Table 2 and Figure 2).47 A typical laboratory-based
polysomnogram includes measures of (1) airflow through the nose using a nasal
cannula connected to a pressure transducer or through the nose and mouth using
a thermal sensor; (2) respiratory effort using thoracic and abdominal inductance
bands; (3) oxygen hemoglobin saturation by finger pulse oximetry; (4) snoring
using a microphone affixed over the trachea or by filtering out low-frequency
signals from the nasal cannula-pressure transducer system; (5) sleep stage and
arousal using electroencephalogram, electro-oculogram, and chin electromyogram;
(6) electrocardiogram findings; (7) body position; and (8) leg movement.
Laboratory-based testing is labor-intensive and inconvenient for the patient.
The Medicare cost of laboratory-based testing is $621, approximately 5 times
the cost of home sleep apnea testing.48
Home sleep apnea testing is increasingly used
to diagnose OSA, and consists of measures of airflow, respiratory effort, and
oxygen saturation, but not measures of sleep or leg movements. The sensors
are self-applied by the patient at home following instruction from a
technologist or via an instructional video. Home sleep apnea testing has both
high sensitivity (79% [95% CI, 71%-86%]) and specificity (79% [95% CI,
63%-89%]) (Table 2), with values for area under the
receiver operating characteristic curve exceeding 0.85.44,45,49 However, in patients with a high
prior probability of disease, as many as 25% to 50% of study results negative
for OSA were false-negative.50,51 Therefore, in patients with
unexplained sleepiness and a high clinical suspicion of OSA, a negative home
study result should be followed by laboratory-based polysomnography to exclude
OSA and evaluate alternative causes of sleepiness. This approach to OSA diagnosis
is accurate and cost-effective (Box).45,52,53 Although practice guidelines
recommend home sleep apnea testing only in the setting of a high prior
probability of OSA and absence of significant cardiorespiratory disease or
insomnia, high diagnostic accuracy has also been demonstrated in patients with
only moderate suspicion of OSA or with comorbid obstructive lung disease or
heart failure.49,54,55
OSA severity is typically quantified using the
AHI. Based on expert consensus, an AHI less than 5 events per hour is
considered normal, 5 to 14.9 is considered mild, 15 to 29.9 is considered
moderate, and at least 30 is considered severe OSA.56 Differences in how hypopneas are
defined affect the AHI value,57 and a lack of consistency in
event definition complicates the interpretation of sleep test results and
highlights the importance of considering symptoms and comorbid illnesses when
making treatment decisions.
Effective treatments for OSA include
behavioral measures, medical devices, and surgery (Table 3). Behavioral
measures include abstinence from alcohol, avoiding supine sleep position,
regular aerobic exercise, and weight loss. In patients with positional OSA
(ie, elevated AHI predominantly in the supine position), restricting sleep to
side or prone position may be sufficient treatment.58 There is no standard definition
of positional OSA, although a commonly used definition includes an AHI that is
at least 50% lower when sleeping nonsupine than when sleeping supine. Weight
loss improves OSA59,60 and should be recommended for all
patients with overweight or obesity in conjunction with other therapies. It may
be considered as the sole initial treatment in asymptomatic or minimally
symptomatic patients. Lifestyle interventions, bariatric surgery, and weight
loss medication are each associated with improved OSA severity.61-63 In the Sleep AHEAD (Action for
Health in Diabetes) study, 264 patients with overweight or obesity with type 2
diabetes mellitus and OSA were randomized to undergo a lifestyle intervention
consisting of weight loss through diet and exercise or a diabetes education
control. At the 1-year follow-up, the lifestyle intervention resulted in a
10.2-kg greater reduction in weight and a 9.7–event per hour greater reduction
in AHI.61 There is no apparent threshold
amount of weight loss needed to improve OSA severity; greater weight loss is
associated with greater benefit.61-63
Exercise may improve OSA independently of
weight loss.64-67 There is a dose-dependent
association of exercise with lower prevalence of OSA. Compared with individuals
who were not engaging in vigorous exercise, the odds ratio for moderate to
severe OSA was 0.62 for individuals who exercised 1 to 2 hours per week, 0.39
for those who exercised 3 to 6 hours per week, and 0.31 for those who exercised
at least 7 hours per week, after adjustment for age, sex, body habitus, and
daytime sleepiness.64 In small randomized clinical
trials of patients with moderate to severe OSA, exercise was associated with a
24% to 34% decrease in OSA severity without significant weight change.65-67 The mechanism of this
weight-independent benefit is unclear. Fat redistribution, reduced nighttime
fluid resorption from the legs, increased pharyngeal muscle strength, and
improved sleep quality are potential mechanisms.
Positive airway pressure (PAP) is the primary
therapy for individuals with symptomatic OSA of any severity. PAP devices
deliver pressure to the airway through a mask worn over the nose or the nose
and mouth. This pressure acts as a splint to prevent airway collapse during
inspiration. PAP normalizes AHI in more than 90% of patients while wearing the
device.68,69 Benefit depends on adherence to
therapy, with more hours of use per night associated with greater symptom
improvement70 and greater blood pressure
reduction.33 Although arbitrary, adequate
adherence is commonly defined as use for at least 4 hours per night for at
least 5 nights per week, a standard that is used by the Center for Medicare
& Medicaid Services to authorize continued reimbursement for PAP after the
initial 90 days of therapy. In a 2019 report of more than 2.6 million patients
who started PAP therapy between 2014 and 2017, this level of adequate adherence
was achieved by 75% of patients within the first 90 days of treatment.71 Overall, PAP was used on 93% of
nights for a mean (SD) of 6.0 (2.0) hours per night.71 Approximately 65% to 80% of
patients who start PAP therapy continue using it after 4 years.72,73 Factors that improve PAP
adherence include education about risks of OSA and the expected benefits of PAP
therapy; monitoring of PAP use with reinforcement and support for technical
problems; and behavioral interventions, including cognitive behavioral therapy
and motivational enhancement therapy. Each of these factors increases PAP
adherence by more than 30 minutes per night, with mean effects as large as 80
minutes per night for behavioral interventions.74 Monitoring PAP adherence is
facilitated by the ability of most newer PAP devices to transmit adherence data
via cellular networks for remote viewing. Early PAP devices delivered a fixed
positive pressure and required laboratory-based pressure titration to identify
optimal treatment pressure. Automatic titrating PAP devices, which monitor
airflow and adjust pressure in response to changes in flow, have facilitated
initiation of PAP therapy without a titration study, reducing costs and
increasing convenience without significant difference in efficacy or adherence
to therapy between laboratory-based titration and automatic titration.68 However, automatic titration may
not be appropriate for individuals in which central sleep apnea is common (eg,
individuals with chronic heart failure) or nocturnal hypoxemia for reasons other
than sleep apnea is possible. Bilevel PAP devices, which deliver a higher pressure
during inspiration than during expiration, may be useful in conditions
characterized by hypoventilation but are neither more effective nor better
tolerated than fixed-pressure or automatic titrating PAP devices.
Oral appliances (mandibular repositioning
devices) are effective treatment options, particularly for individuals with
mild to moderate OSA (Box).69,75 These devices consist of plates
made to fit the upper and lower teeth. Positions of these plates can be
adjusted, allowing advancement of the mandible relative to the maxilla,
resulting in increased upper airway volume and, consequently, reduced airway
collapsibiliity.76,77 A 2015 meta-analysis of 34
randomized clinical trials found that these devices were associated with a mean
reduction in AHI of 13.6 (95% CI, 12.0-15.3) events per hour.75
Surgical modification of the upper airway is
suitable for select patients and is often recommended for symptomatic patients
unable to tolerate PAP therapy.78 Although tracheotomy was used to
manage severe OSA prior to the availability of PAP therapy, and was effective
because it bypassed airway obstruction, it is now rarely used to manage OSA.
The most common surgical procedures for managing OSA modify upper airway soft
tissue, including palate, tongue base, and lateral pharyngeal walls. The most
extensively studied procedure is uvulopalatopharyngoplasty, which involves
resection of the uvula and part of the soft palate. While most studies are
nonrandomized case series,79 2 randomized trials found that
uvulopalatopharyngoplasty reduced AHI significantly more than an observation
control.80,81 In the larger of these trials
(32 individuals who underwent surgery and 33 control individuals), surgery was
associated with a mean reduction in AHI from 53.3 to 21.1 events per hour, with
no significant change in the control group.80 Selection criteria for this
procedure are not clearly established, although most studies excluded patients
with a BMI greater than 35. Other procedures include lateral wall
pharyngoplasty and tongue reduction procedures. The bony structures of the face
can also be modified to manage OSA. The best-studied procedure is
maxillomandibular advancement, in which the upper airway is enlarged via LeFort
I maxillary and bilateral mandibular osteotomies with forward fixation of the
facial skeleton by approximately 10 mm. A meta-analysis of 45 studies including
455 patients who underwent pre- and posttreatment sleep studies found that
maxillomandibular advancement surgery was associated with a mean reduction of
80% in AHI, consistent with a mean (SD) change of −47.8 (25.0) events per hour.82
Hypoglossal nerve stimulation is a newer
surgical procedure that increases pharyngeal dilator muscle tone during sleep.
The only device currently approved by the US Food and Drug Administration
involves unilateral placement of an electrode on the medial branch of the
hypoglossal nerve to enhance tongue protrusion, a pressure sensor placed
between internal and external intercostal muscles to detect inspiratory effort,
and a small neurostimulator implanted in the chest wall that triggers the
hypoglossal electrode in response to respiratory effort. In the Stimulation
Therapy for Apnea Reduction (STAR) trial of this device, the treatment reduced
median AHI from 29.3 to 9.0 events per hour (median [interquartile range]
change, −17.3 [−26.4 to −9.3] events/h) and benefits were sustained after 5
years of therapy.83,84 Participants in the STAR trial
had an AHI of 20 to 50 events per hour and a BMI less than or equal to 32, and
were excluded if they had central sleep apnea, positional OSA, severe
cardiopulmonary or neuromuscular disease, or complete concentric collapse of
the upper airway on drug-induced sleep endoscopy. Bilateral hypoglossal nerve
stimulation is also effective for managing OSA,85 and transcutaneous stimulation
is under investigation.86 While hypoglossal nerve
stimulation appears efficacious and well tolerated in select patients, it
requires a surgical procedure and is more costly than PAP and oral appliances.
Pharmacologic therapies tested in individuals
with OSA include drugs proposed to increase airway muscle tone, increase
ventilatory drive, or raise the arousal threshold. Most of these therapies have
been studied in single, small trials of fewer than 75 participants, often with
single-night dosing, and none has clearly established efficacy.87 Because reduced noradrenergic
drive contributes to decreased genioglossus tone during nonrapid eye movement
sleep and active muscarinic inhibition contributes to pharyngeal hypotonia
during rapid eye movement sleep, a 2019 study evaluated the combination of the
norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor atomoxetine and the antimuscarinic
oxybutynin. In this randomized, crossover, single-dose study of 20 patients
with a median AHI of 28.5 and median BMI of 34.8, combination therapy reduced
AHI by a median (interquartile range) of 15.9 (7.3-35.3) events per hour
compared with placebo.88 In a randomized trial of 73
patients with similar OSA severity, the cannabinoid receptor agonist dronabinol
reduced mean (SD) AHI by 12.9 (4.3) after 6 weeks of therapy.89 Although promising, these
treatments remain under investigation.
Supplemental oxygen is not recommended for
individuals with OSA because it may prolong respiratory pauses and worsen
hypercapnia. Oxygen therapy does not improve AHI or sleep architecture in most
patients with OSA,90 although there may be a subset
of oxygen-responsive patients with a less collapsible airway and greater
ventilatory instability than the average individual with OSA.91 However, long-term data on the
efficacy of oxygen in these patients are not available, and supplemental oxygen
is not recommended for managing OSA. Recent studies reported conflicting
results regarding the effect of nocturnal supplemental oxygen on blood pressure
control. One study found no association of oxygen with blood pressure when used
as a primary therapy for OSA,92 while another found that after
withdrawing effective PAP therapy, participants treated with supplemental
oxygen had a 6.6–mm Hg lower blood pressure increase (95% CI, 1.9-11.3)
compared with participants treated with a sham (air) control.93
Treatment for individuals with OSA should be
prescribed for symptomatic patients, specifically those with unexplained
excessive sleepiness or fatigue, because OSA treatment improves sleepiness and
quality of life. A 2019 meta-analysis found that in patients with OSA, PAP was
associated with a decline in the Epworth Sleepiness Scale score by 2.7 (95% CI,
2.2-3.3) points, compared with controls.68 PAP was also associated with
improved mental and physical quality of life, as measured by the Medical
Outcomes Study Short Form-36 questionnaire, with improvement in the vitality
scale score of 4.6 (95% CI, 2.0-7.2), compared with control individuals.68 Although not evaluated in
randomized trials, OSA treatment may reduce motor vehicle crashes. After
treatment with PAP, the risk ratio for motor vehicle crash in a meta-analysis
of 10 studies of 1741 patients with OSA was 0.28 (95% CI, 0.18-0.43) compared
with pretreatment risk,68 with a reduction in crash
incidence from 7.6 to 2.5 accidents per 1000 drivers per year in a 2015 study.94 In commercial truck drivers with
OSA, the rate of preventable crashes per 1 million miles driven was 7.0 in
those not adherent to PAP therapy and 1.4 in those adherent to therapy.95 Treatment should also be
considered for patients with unexplained nocturia, morning headaches, frequent
nighttime awakenings, or nocturnal gastroesophageal reflux.
Asymptomatic OSA
The benefit of treating individuals with
asymptomatic OSA is unclear. Managing OSA with PAP in patients with
hypertension is associated with a 2– to 3–mm Hg reduction in 24-hour systolic
and diastolic blood pressure.68 Blood pressure lowering is
greater at night and in those with resistant hypertension.68,96
Additional research is needed to identify
other subgroups of asymptomatic patients with OSA who may benefit from
treatment. A 2019 meta-analysis of observational studies reported that, for individuals
with OSA, treatment with PAP therapy, compared with controls, was associated
with a lower rate of major adverse cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events
(risk ratio, 0.46 [95% CI, 0.32-0.66]) and all-cause mortality (risk ratio,
0.40 [95% CI, 0.24-0.69]) than no OSA treatment.68 However, these observational
studies are susceptible to bias. Because untreated patients in these studies
had refused or were nonadherent to therapy, healthy user bias is likely.
Randomized clinical trials showed no effect of PAP on reducing rates of
myocardial infarction, stroke, or mortality in individuals with OSA.97 The Sleep Apnea Cardiovascular
Endpoints (SAVE) study randomized 2717 patients with either cardiovascular or
cerebrovascular disease and moderate to severe OSA to receive PAP therapy or
usual care. Participants were excluded if they were excessively sleepy. Over a
mean follow-up of 3.7 years, the composite primary end point of myocardial
infarction; stroke; cardiovascular death; or hospitalization for heart failure,
acute coronary syndrome, or transient ischemic attack occurred in 17.0% of
participants in the PAP group and 15.4% in the usual care group (hazard ratio
[HR], 1.10 [95% CI, 0.91-1.32]).98 In the Impact of Sleep Apnea
Syndrome in the Evolution of Acute Coronary Syndrome (ISAACC) study, 1264
patients hospitalized with acute coronary syndrome with moderate to severe OSA,
but not excessive sleepiness, were randomized to receive PAP therapy or usual
care. Over a median follow-up of 3.4 years, the composite primary end point of
cardiovascular death; myocardial infarction; stroke; or hospitalization for
heart failure, unstable angina, or transient ischemic attack occurred in 16% of
participants in the PAP group and 17% of participants in usual care group (HR,
0.89 [95% CI, 0.68-1.17]).99
These randomized trials have been criticized
for low PAP adherence, with mean (SD) use per night of 3.3 (2.3) hours in the
SAVE study and 2.8 (2.7) hours in the ISAAC study.98,99 However, no benefit was observed
in participants using PAP therapy for 4 or more hours per night (SAVE: HR, 0.80
[95% CI, 0.60-1.07] compared with a propensity-matched subset of the usual care
group; ISAACC: HR, 0.94 [95% CI, 0.65-1.36] compared with usual care). The null
result of these studies may reflect the exclusion of patients with excessive
sleepiness, because sleepiness may identify those patients with OSA at
increased vascular disease risk.100-102
Benefits of therapy for patients with
asymptomatic OSA and atrial fibrillation are also unclear. Observational
studies suggested a 35% to 40% absolute reduction in atrial fibrillation
recurrence in the year following cardioversion or pulmonary vein isolation in
treated compared with untreated patients with OSA.103 However, these studies were
susceptible to bias, and there are no adequately powered published randomized
clinical trials.
Some observational studies find a higher rate
of perioperative cardiac and pulmonary complications in patients with OSA (Box).104 Patients at high risk for OSA
should have close postoperative monitoring and continued PAP use in the
perioperative period if previously prescribed, and prescription of opioids should
be limited. Preoperative sleep testing and treatment are of uncertain benefit.105
OSA treatment usually improves sleepiness and
associated behavioral impairment. The degree of improvement is associated with
adherence to therapy. Optimal response is observed when PAP therapy is used
more than 6 hours per night.70 Residual sleepiness is observed
in approximately 9% to 20% of patients with OSA who use PAP for at least 6
hours per night.70,106,107 This is not higher than in the
population of individuals without OSA11,25 and, thus, is likely due to
causes other than OSA, such as sleeping fewer than the recommended minimum of 7
hours per night.108 Chronic neurodegenerative
residua of sleep fragmentation or intermittent hypoxemia have been demonstrated
in animal models and might contribute to persistent sleepiness, but whether
this occurs in humans is uncertain. Therefore, although wake-promoting agents,
such as modafinil and solriamfetol, are approved to manage residual sleepiness
in patients with OSA, they should only be used after other causes of excessive
sleepiness have been excluded. Treatment with either PAP or oral appliances is
not curative. Lifelong treatment is typically needed in the absence of weight
loss sufficient to cause disease remission. Surgical interventions do not
depend on adherence, although OSA may recur or worsen with subsequent weight
This review has some limitations. First, it
was restricted to English-language publications and was developed primarily
from published systematic reviews, meta-analyses, and clinical practice
guidelines. Second, the literature search may have missed some relevant publications.
Third, not all aspects of OSA were discussed. Fourth, high-quality data are
lacking for some covered topics.
OSA is common and the prevalence is
increasing. Daytime sleepiness is among the most common symptoms, but many
patients with OSA are asymptomatic. Patients with OSA who are asymptomatic, or
whose symptoms are minimally bothersome and pose no apparent risk to driving
safety, can be treated with behavioral measures, such as weight loss and
exercise. Interventions such as PAP are recommended for those with excessive
sleepiness and resistant hypertension. Treating individuals with asymptomatic
OSA to reduce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events is not currently
supported by high-quality evidence.
Section Editors: Edward Livingston, MD, Deputy Editor,
and Mary McGrae McDermott, MD, Deputy Editor.
Submissions: We encourage authors to submit papers for consideration as
a Review. Please contact Edward Livingston, MD, at Edward.livingston@jamanetwork.org or Mary
McGrae McDermott, MD, at mdm608@northwestern.edu.
Article Information Corresponding Author: Daniel J. Gottlieb, MD, MPH, VA Boston
Healthcare System, 1400 VFW Pkwy (111PI), West Roxbury, MA 02132 (djgottlieb@partners.org).
Accepted for Publication: March 3, 2020.
Conflict of Interest Disclosures: Dr Gottlieb reported receiving research
and nonfinancial support from ResMed Inc, outside of the present work. Dr
Punjabi reported receiving research and nonfinancial support from ResMed Inc,
outside of the present work.
Funding/Support: Dr Gottlieb is supported by National
Institutes of Health grants HL137234, DK120051, and NR018335 and by US
Department of Veterans Affairs grants CX000578 and BX004821. Dr Punjabi is
supported by National Institutes of Health grants HL11716, DK120051, and HL146709.
Role of the Funder/Sponsor: The funder had no role in the design and
conduct of the study; collection, management, analysis, and interpretation of
the data; preparation, review, or approval of the manuscript; and decision to
submit the manuscript for publication.
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