Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Effort to Reopen Economy Could Take Months

The story explains “within Trump’s circle, officials say, there is acknowledgment that it will not be possible for the president to simply flip a switch. A return to normal likely would take many months, administration officials said, and should be orchestrated methodically and guided by medical data. For instance, officials are considering beginning with areas deemed to have the lowest risk of a major outbreak” (Washington Post). 

A detailed paper put together by, among others, Lanhee Chen and Avik Roy, explains “it is essential that we develop a strategy to reopen the economy for both the optimistic and pessimistic scenarios: that is to say, even if we fail to achieve near-ubiquitous testing and effective anti-viral treatments.”  The plan includes reopening schools, lifting stay-at-home orders for most non-elderly while continuing to prohibit large group gatherings (FreOpp).  

Dr. Scott Gottlieb details what he believes must happen to reopen the country gradually (CBS News).  Hugh Hewitt looks at the Hawley proposal and why he believes it’s an idea we must consider (Washington Post).  

An interesting look at how individuals aren’t using phone data for navigation (Apple). 

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