Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Register Now - 2020 Virtual National Voices of Medicare Summit and Bonus Webinar

2020 Virtual National Voices of Medicare Summit
and Bonus Webinar
Because of the uncertainty brought about by COVID-19, we are altering plans for our 2020 National Voices of Medicare Summit and Sen. Jay Rockefeller Lecture. There will be a Virtual Summit program on April 30, 2020. We are grateful to this year's Sen. Jay Rockefeller lecturer,Wendell Potter, and the many other experts who have agreed to appear by webinar. 

We will also present a follow-up webinar for registrants on May 20, 2020.

These events support the work of the Center for Medicare Advocacy, so please, register now for what will be a fantastic virtual program and informative webinar.

Virtual Summit: Whither Medicare – From Promise to Privatization
April 30, 2020, 1:00 PM EDT- 4:00 PM EDT
Virtual Summit and Rockefeller Lecture, by Webinar
Registration also includes follow-up Webinar,

Medicare Matters in Challenging Times, on May 20, 2020, 2-3 PM EDT

The 7th annual National Voices of Medicare Summit & Senator Jay Rockefeller Lecture will allow leading experts and advocates to consider best practices, challenges and successes in efforts to improve access to quality health coverage and care, especially in these trying times. Against the backdrop of issues like increasing privatization of Medicare, COVID-19, voter focus on health care, and the talk about a Medicare for All, the 2020 Virtual Summit will focus on the promise, challenges to, and future of Medicare and health care.

Medicare's Promise and Challenges – From Inception, Expansion, Privatization, and Beyond

Cathy Hurwit, Former Chief of Staff, Rep. Jan Schakowsky and Tricia Neuman, Sr. V.P. & Director, Medicare Policy, Kaiser Family Foundation, and Judy Stein, Founder and Executive Director, Center for Medicare Advocacy. The presenters will discuss the history of Medicare, increasing privatization, where it stands now, what we should look for in the future, and the challenges to providing access to Medicare, quality health coverage, and care. In addition, they will consider: What have we learned from the COVID crisis? How can we apply those lessons going forward?

Senator Jay Rockefeller Lecture – How Has Health Insurance Served Us?

Wendell Potter, former insurance company executive, current author and health care reform advocate, will discuss his perspectives about private insurance, Medicare and Medicare Advantage – with a focus on the fallacy of “choice” in insurance. He will recount his journey from private insurance insider to an advocate for a public plan for all. Moderated by Judy Feder, Professor of Public Policy, Georgetown University, Chair, Center for Medicare Advocacy Board of Directors. Sen. Jay Rockefeller will introduce Mr. Potter.
Media – Coverage and Concerns

Moderated by Center for Medicare Advocacy Associate Director, attorney David Lipschutz, this session will provide insight from health care journalists Trudy Lieberman, Mark Miller, and Susan Jaffe about the importance and challenges of covering Medicare and health care issues, particularly in light of the current COVID-19 crisis. The journalists will discuss some of the key health and Medicare related issues they have covered, why this journalism is so important, and why, with the exception of the deluge of COVID-related issues, such reporting has been sparse – especially about Medicare and Medicare Advantage. We also hope to obtain hints about how to gain journalists' attention about critical concerns.

Your registration supports the Center for Medicare Advocacy.
We thank you very much for your interest in this event.

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