Autism Awareness and Acceptance Month offers an opportunity
to recognize the diversity of experiences within the autistic community.
To that end, ACL is sharing the perspective of Noor Pervez, a
self-advocate who has channeled his own experiences into a career in
advocacy for autistic people. Pervez currently serves as the Community
Engagement Coordinator at the Autistic Self Advocacy Network.
Noor Pervez considers himself to have been “very blessed”
throughout his life. Although he has faced a number of challenges as a
trans, Muslim, person of color who has multiple disabilities and who grew
up in a family with low income, he benefited from programs that were
available to him because he lived in an affluent area, had teachers who
were invested in his success, and had people in the community who helped
him at pivotal moments in his life. Together, those factors gave him the
opportunity to pursue his goals.
He notes, however, that the opportunities he has had have
largely been due to chance, and they would not necessarily have been
available to someone else in similar circumstances. For example, though
he was accepted to several colleges, barriers related to transportation
almost prevented him from continuing his education. Ultimately, he went
to college because an autistic trans person who happened to live on his
block offered to drive him to and from classes every day.
"If they hadn't done that - if someone in my community
hadn't been willing to give me those resources - then the rest of my life
just doesn't happen," Pervez says. "A whole lot of me becoming
who I am, and having the chances that I do, boil down to a series of
moments just like that."
"At so many points in that journey, that opportunity
relied on me having had an opportunity before," he adds. "So
it's just all these links in a chain, and if one of them snaps, people
who are multiply marginalized can just fall through the cracks and you
have to spend a lot of time working your way back up."
Pervez discusses how chance, opportunity, and identity shaped his journey)
Pervez says the programs and resources that made those links
in the chain possible for him can be harder for multiply marginalized
people with disabilities to access, for a variety of reasons.
For example, finding peer mentors can be more difficult,
because they may not see many people like themselves in disability
community groups or at conferences. That is not because people of color
do not experience disabilities, he said. Rather, a variety of structural
factors lead to differences in who gets diagnosed, who knows about the
groups and events, and who has access to the money, transportation, or
time needed to participate in them.
While noting that different communities can have different
experiences, Pervez shares that people marginalized by race or other factors
may not feel like they are treated fairly in disability community groups.
In addition, he notes that many marginalized people and their families
fear that any association with disability will be a "secondary
burden," and that identifying as a person with a disability can be
"something else that people can hurl and use against you."
As an advocate, Pervez says he is most proud when his work
causes someone to take a fresh look at the way things are and to begin to
ask “why.” He hopes that this willingness to question why, for example,
black and nonspeaking people are less visible in the autistic community
can be a starting point that leads to greater change.
“That root, that start, is something I’m really excited
about and proud of,” he added.
Pervez has some simple advice for people who want to learn
more about the autistic community and the needs of autistic people:
"listen to autistic people … and when I say listen to autistic
people, I mean all autistic
Pervez’s advice for people who want to learn more about the autistic
Pervez shares a similar message with people within the
autistic community, urging them to remember that "there is no autistic
person who you are better than or worse than on the basis of their
autism." He encourages people who are new to the autistic community
to learn about autistic and neurodiversity history, in part to appreciate
that the “people who have fought for our rights haven't been the most
'convenient' people."
Pervez’s message for the autistic community.)
"All of us are people all of the time, with complete
and full humanity," Pervez concludes. "That includes nonspeaking
people, that includes people who have difficulty getting across what they
want, that includes people who don't have access to lots of supports but
who need them or want them, and that definitely includes trans autistic
people, people of color who are autistic, people who are struggling … it
includes all of us."
Video: Pervez shares what he would like to see ACL do to support the
autistic community.
Editor’s note: Pervez’s responses reflect his own experiences
and thoughts.
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