Monday, November 20, 2017

4 Free Tools to Help Caregivers Prepare for Emergencies

elder asian parent with daughter

Caring for a parent or loved one as they age is never simple. The good news is that there are resources to help you get prepared for the most overwhelming emergencies before they happen. In recognition of National Family Caregivers Month, here are 4 free resources to explore and share:

1. BenefitsCheckUp®

Financial emergencies can be stressful. That’s why it’s good to know you can turn to the trusted online tool to screen for, and apply to, over 2,500 local, state, and federal benefits programs. These programs can help your older loved one pay for food, medicine, heating bills, health care, and other vital everyday necessities.

2. My Medicare Matters®

Understanding the ins and outs of Medicare is challenging, especially if you’re new to the complex system. My Medicare Matters® is a free educational resource that gives you a primer on everything Medicare. From eligibility requirements and coverage comparisons, to enrollment and getting the most from free and preventative benefits, can help you find the right answers.

3. Falls Prevention Resource Center

As a caregiver, you may worry about your loved one having a fall. The truth is that an older adult falls every 11 seconds, and falls can lead to serious injury or even death. They also can rob an older adult of their independence. NCOA’s falls prevention resources give you and your older loved ones the tools you need to make their homes safer, maintain strength and balance through proven exercise programs, and keep their bones healthy through proper nutrition.

4. ElderCare Locator

Few of us want to think about long-term care for ourselves or our loved ones, but 2 in 3 older adults will eventually need some level of assistance with daily activities. The ElderCare Locator can help you find in-home care services, nursing homes, hospices, and more near you. Visit or call 1-800-677-1116 to find help in your community.
Don’t wait until an emergency forces you to make a difficult decision. Check out these tools and have a plan for dealing with some of your challenging choices.

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