CMS Announces
Award for Improving Accessibility of Medical Offices and Services for
People with Disabilities
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid announced the CMS Health Equity Awards on January 31 to
celebrate organizations "who are closing gaps in health care quality,
access, and outcomes among minorities and other underserved
Centene Corporation was honored for their "commitment to
make sweeping accessibility improvements to their
facilities." Centene Corporation, a Fortune 100 Company, is a
diversified, multi-national healthcare enterprise that provides a portfolio
of services to government sponsored and commercial programs, focusing on
under-insured and uninsured individuals. Informed in part by the CMS issue
brief, Increasing the Physical Accessibility of Healthcare
Facilities, Centene recognized the need to address
the significant barriers to access that individuals with physical
accessibility challenges face when trying to get needed health care.
ACL is committed to promoting accessible durable medical
equipment and health care access initiatives. ACL-funded Centers for
Independent Living played a large part in conducting the more than 2,500
onsite Accessibility Site Reviews (described below) that are integral to
this initiative.
As part of its ongoing commitment to provide equal access to
quality healthcare and services, Centene announced in 2018 that it would
partner with the National Council on Independent Living (NCIL) on an
initiative to increase the accessibility of provider medical offices and
services for people with disabilities. The Provider Accessibility
Initiative (PAI) kicked off with the “Barrier Removal Fund” (BRF) in three
pilot states, Illinois, Texas, and Ohio. The goal of the initiative is to
provide equal access to quality health care and services that are
physically and programmatically accessible for its members with
disabilities and their companions by increasing the percentage of Centene
providers that meet minimum and federal state disability access standards.
To date, 52 health care providers in Illinois, Texas, and Ohio
received grants from the Centene Barrier Removal Fund. The grantees range
in size, location, and specialty and include both physical and programmatic
access improvements. In addition, more than 2,500 onsite Accessibility Site
Reviews have been conducted across California, Illinois, Texas, and Ohio
with the help of ACL-funded Centers for Independent Living.
As a result of these efforts, more than 36,000 of Centene’s
members now have improved access to their provider’s office. In 2019,
Centene plans to roll out this initiative in Florida, Kansas, and New
Mexico, and continue its efforts to develop data collection processes and
directory improvements that can be scaled across states.
Background on the CMS Health Equity Awards: CMS
recognizes that all beneficiaries should be able to achieve their highest
level in care and works to ensure that disparities in health care quality
and access are eliminated. Starting in 2018, CMS began recognizing
organizations demonstrating a similar commitment to health equity by
reducing disparities among the CMS beneficiaries they serve, particularly
among racial and ethnic minorities, individuals with disabilities, sexual
and gender minorities, and those living in rural areas.
CMS looks forward to recognizing another organization who can
demonstrate results. The successful organization is reducing disparities in
health care quality, access, or outcomes for a priority population,
including: racial and ethnic minorities, individuals with disabilities,
sexual and gender minorities, or individuals living in rural areas. Learn more.
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