Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Media Deeply Concerned Trump Rallies Could Cause Coronavirus Outbreak

I kid you not.  From NPR: President Trump will hit the campaign trail this month — despite the deadly coronavirus pandemic, which continues to impact the lives and livelihoods of households across the country. “The rallies will be tremendous,” a campaign manager said (Twitter).  

From ABC News: President Trump’s campaign plans to resume holding rallies in the next two weeks, with advisers banking on the massive protests in recent weeks dampening criticism over holding large in-person events amid COVID-19 pandemic, multiple sources told @ABC News (Twitter). 

From Mark Hemingway, speaking for us all: That dog ain’t gonna hunt (Twitter).  

From Rod Dreher: Oh, come off it. Like you people care. You hypocrites. If Joe Biden were hitting the campaign trail to promote BLM, you would treat it like he was on the pilgrim’s path to Jerusalem (Twitter). 

From Rich Lowry: The threat represented by the coronavirus varies depending on which side is engaged in mass gatherings (Twitter).  

From Lanhee Chen: Bay Area’s Contra Costa County now permits outdoor “social gatherings” of a stable group of up to 12. Or “protests” of up to 100. Tell me they aren’t just making this up as they go along… (Twitter).

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