Friday, June 12, 2020

Trump to Seattle Mayor and Washington Governor: Get Your City Back

They’ve allowed “protesters” to take over a six block area.  From the story: The zone was born out of days of violent clashes between cops and the protesters who hoped to push the Seattle Police Department out of their East Precinct building in the area. Mayor Durkan, who has faced mounting calls from protesters to resign, ordered police to leave the building Monday, explaining the directive on Twitter as a way to “proactively de-escalate interactions between protestors and law enforcement outside the East Precinct” (NY Post).  

Meanwhile, from a typo-filled KOMO story: …police are receiving reports of armed people manning the check points intimidating people trying to enter. “While Washington is an open carry state, there is no legal right for those arms to be used intimidate community members,” Nolette said. Nolette said operating a citizen checkpoint on a public street is illegal (KOMO).  

From Jay Cost: Watching the stories about the anarchists in Seattle really struck me. I think we’re having some kind of national freak out (Twitter). 

According to Andy Ngo, antifa in Portland are trying to set up a similar takeover.  Why not?  Seattle let them do it (Twitter).

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