![TBI TARC logo](https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/fancy_images/USACL/2020/11/3913672/3422766/tbi-tarc_crop.jpg)
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Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Tuesdays Webinar Series
In observance of Brain Injury Awareness Month this year and
in lieu of the Administration for Community Living’s annual in-person
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Stakeholder Day, we are hosting virtual TBI
Tuesdays (1:00 - 4 pm ET) during the months of March and April.
With an overarching focus on equity, each TBI Tuesday
session will highlight the work of the TBI State
Partnership Program grantee workgroups and their resources for
stakeholders, federal partners, and will involve individuals with brain
injury. We have structured each TBI Tuesday session to include panel
discussions, question and answer sessions, and generous breaks in between.
More information about each session and how to register is provided
Each TBI Tuesday session will be live-captioned and
ASL-interpreted. If you require additional accommodations to participate
or if you have any questions about the sessions, please do not hesitate
to contact tbitarc@hsri.org.
March 9, 2021, 1:00 - 4:00 pm ET
Outreach to All: Brain Injury within Underserved Populations
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The kickoff TBI Tuesday session will focus on Underserved
Populations. Reyma McCoy-McDeid, the newly appointed Commissioner of
ACL's Administration on Disabilities will provide opening remarks. Two
TBI State Partnership Program state grantees (Oregon and West Virginia)
will introduce the Rural
Outreach Toolkit and a person with TBI will share their
outreach experience. We’ll also hear from our federal partner from the
Federal Office of Rural Health Policy (invited) regarding rural and
frontier populations. After the break and during the facilitated
discussion, attendees will engage with session speakers regarding
feedback on the Rural
Outreach Toolkit, and two individuals with a TBI from the TBI
Advisory and Leadership Group (TAL-Group) will share their personal
experiences and discuss engagement and cultural competency practices for
underserved populations.
March 16, 2021, 1:00 - 4:00 pm ET
Sustainable Partnerships: Forging Relationships that Last
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The focus of this second TBI Tuesday session will be
Sustainable Partnerships. The session will feature several TBI State
Partnership Program (SPP) grantees (Georgia, Iowa, Maryland,
Massachusetts, and Tennessee) who will share the work of the Sustainable
Partnership SPP Workgroup, including two workgroup products (Success Story and Tip Sheet). We will
also discuss how to build capacity to better serve people with TBI
through partnerships within and between states. Participants will also
hear national and state perspectives regarding partnerships with
Protection and Advocacy organizations (P&As) and Aging and Disability
Resource Centers (ADRCs). Session participants will be able to discuss
how to build innovative partnerships, how to strengthen federal agency
connections at the local level, and strategies to enhance the workgroup
products presented.
March 23, 2021, 1:00 - 4:00 pm ET
Return to Learn: Equal Access to Education for Students with
Brain Injury
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The third TBI Tuesday session will focus on Return to Learn
following brain injury. The session will begin with a panel of TBI State
Partnership Program (SPP) grantees (Oregon and Pennsylvania) who will
discuss Return to Learn initiatives. Participants will hear from a
concussion expert and an individual with a TBI, who will share their
return to learn experience. We will also lead a discussion with session
participants about the pros and cons of state legislation on Return to
March 30, 2021, 1:00 - 4:00 pm ET
Justice for All: Serving Individuals with Brain Injury
Across the Justice System
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The fourth TBI Tuesday session will focus on the criminal
and juvenile justice (CJJ) system. Three TBI State Partnership Program
grantees (Colorado, Indiana, and Pennsylvania) will provide an overview
on CJJ and brain injury, and why it matters. We will provide an overview
of the SPP workgroup and its structure, purpose, and products as well as
a presentation by Policy Research Associates on using the Substance
Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Sequential
Intercept Model to support people living with a brain injury
as they move through the criminal justice system. We’ll hear from our
federal partner with the U.S. Department of Justice (invited) and also
from a person with a brain injury on their experience with the justice
April 6, 2021, 1:00 - 4:00 pm ET
Maximizing the Effectiveness of Advisory Boards Through Full
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The focus of this final TBI Tuesday session will be on TBI
State Advisory Boards/Councils and how to better engage members,
especially individuals with brain injury. Two TBI State Partnership
Program (SPP) grantees (Tennessee and West Virginia) will present on the TBI SPP Advisory Board Toolkit.
We’ll also hear from our federal partner from the Office of Independent
Living Programs at ACL on the importance of consumer engagement.
Representatives from the Self Advocacy Resource and Technical Assistance
Center (SARTAC) and the TBI Advisory and Leadership Group (TAL-Group)
will lead a facilitated discussion about the importance of having
consumer-guided council practices and how individuals with TBI and others
can become ready to serve on boards.
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