Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF)
Quality Reporting Program (QRP) Measure Name and Description
National Rate of Quality Measure
Minimum Data Set (MDS)-based
Percent of Residents or Patients in a SNF that develop
new or worsened pressure ulcers (National Quality Forum #0678)
· Percent of patients that developed new or worsening
pressure ulcers during their stay in an SNF
Percentage of residents or patients whose activities of
daily living and thinking skills were assessed and related goals were
included in their treatment plan (NQF #2631)
· Percentage of patients whose activities of daily living
and thinking skills were assessed and related goals were included in their
treatment plan
of SNF patients who experience one or more falls with major injury during
their SNF stay (NQF #0674)
· Percentage of patients that experienced a fall that
resulted in a major injury during their stay in a SNF
SNF Claims-based Measures
Spending Per Beneficiary (MSPB) for patients in SNFs
· Shows whether Medicare spends more, less, or about the
same on an episode of care for a Medicare patient treated in a specific SNF
compared to how much Medicare spends on an episode of care across all SNFs
of successful return to home or community from an SNF
rate at which patients returned to home or community from the SNF and
remained alive without any unplanned hospitalizations in the 31 days
following discharge from the SNF.LTCHThe rate at which patients returned to
home or community from the SNF and remained alive without any unplanned
hospitalizations in the 31 days following discharge from the SNF
Resources Available to Skilled Nursing Facilities
Visit the Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) Quality Reporting
Program (QRP) webpage for more information on Hospice Compare.
Visit the SNF QRP Measures and Technical Information
webpage for more information on submitting data to CMS.
Help Desks
For questions related
to the SNF Quality Reporting Program including:
Quality Reporting Program requirements
o General
quality reporting requirements and reporting deadlines
Quality Reporting Program quality measures
3.0 coding instructions for Part A PPS Discharge assessment and Section GG
o Data
reported in the SNF QRP CASPER Review and Correct reports
o Data
reported in the SNF QRP CASPER Quality Measure reports
For questions related
to Public Reporting of quality data including:
o Questions
related to SNF Provider Preview reports
o Requests
for the CMS review of the data contained within the Provider Preview Report
that a SNF may believe to be erroneous
o Questions
related to SNF Public Reporting, including SNF QRP Public Reporting on
Nursing Home Compare and/or SNF QRP data on data.medicare.gov
Subscribe to the PAC QRP listserv for
the latest SNF quality reporting and IMPACT Act program information including
but not limited to training, stakeholder engagement opportunities, and
general updates about reporting requirements, quality measures, and reporting
Additional Compare Sites
Get CMS news at cms.gov/newsroom, sign up for CMS news via email and follow CMS on Twitter CMS
Administrator @SeemaCMS, @CMSgov, and @CMSgovPress.

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