Thursday, January 16, 2020

7 Rules for Wealth #7: Measuring Happiness

William Baldwin Senior Contributor Jan 7, 2020, 06:00am
“Retirement success.” Among the experts I talk to that’s measured by a Monte Carlo simulation calculating the odds you won’t run out of money before you’re dead.
It’s a bit grubby. Here’s a broader scorecard for retirement, with dollars counting for only one point in four:
Are you healthy?
Are you happily married?
Are the kids all right?
Are you financially secure?
On the first point, let’s consider the odds of your even being here. A Social Security report tells me that only half of the males and two-thirds of the females born in 1950 have made it this far.
I did a tally of friends, colleagues and relatives who died young. Young is defined as before the age at which I advise readers to start Social Security, the biblical three score and ten.
I defined my circle widely, including, for example, relatives out to first cousin once removed. This is an unscientific survey from a universe of hundreds of people, and I’m doubtless forgetting a few.
Cancer 18
Cardiovascular disease 7
Complications of alcoholism 4
Murder 4
Vehicle accident 3
Suicide 1
Pancreatitis 1
Falling through ice on a pond 1
How healthy do you (and your spouse) have to be to get a pass on the first scorecard item? Not necessarily healthy enough to get a preferred rate from a life insurance company. But in most cases a cancer diagnosis disqualifies.
I’m not sure about atrial fib. Properly treated, it’s no big deal. But I’m remembering the relative for whom the condition caused, just as he turned 70, a stroke that made the last years of his life miserable.
Maybe my view of good health is too narrow. I have two friends nearing that Psalm 90:10 age who each have three life-threatening conditions, and they are fairly ebullient. But they get 0 on the health question.
The scoring for marriage will be controversial. You can be single, defiantly so, and happy. Put Louisa May Alcott in this box.
Still, I’m thinking of the five near-retirees I know, all women, who are alone and probably not by choice. Who’s going to help them after a hip surgery?
Eventually, every couple loses a point. George and Barbara Bush, who had a long marriage and passed on in close succession, were a fluke. I have an expected-widowhood calculator in this story. If you try it you’ll probably get a number like 10 years.
Kids all right? I’ll define that as employable. A tally of parents I know, in some cases of kids I don’t, shows these reasons for not getting a point: autism spectrum 4, schizophrenia 2, Down’s 1, chronic depression 1, drug addiction 1.
Childless couples lose a point here. Yes, in some cases the absence of a family is a choice. In most cases, I suspect, there are regrets. I know two guys who got married and adopted a baby girl, who’s now in middle school. This couple is a ways from retirement, but they’re on target to get a 4 out of 4 on my scoreboard.
As for finances, I have a warped perspective. Most of the older people I know, and probably most of the readers of this essay, are comparatively well off—compared, that is, to the half of Americans who are not financially equipped to handle retirement.
How many couples do I know who get a perfect score? Not many. A few relatives. A few friends and colleagues. I give myself a 4. If you do too, you should be very thankful.
I’d like to hear from readers with statistics or life experiences that bear on today’s subject. Send comments to the address in my bio. If the responses are interesting, I’ll address them in a later column.
In the meantime, I will revert to my narrow focus on the last and least important of the four elements of happy retirement. It’s the only one about which I have some useful advice.

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