This (election) year
promises a lot of talk about health care costs, especially the need to lower
(or at least slow the growth of) health care costs. But which health care
costs? Is it the total health care bill for the nation? The total health care
bill for an individual? The cost of care covered by insurance? Or, is it the
cost of care paid out of pocket? It matters, as these questions yield
different answers.
Using the National Health Expenditure Data, the
United States spent $3,475 billion on “Health Consumption Expenditures” in
2018, an amount that was up $156 billion (or 4.7 percent) from 2017. Of that
$156 billion increase, $137 billion – nearly 88 percent – was covered by
insurance of all types. Another $10 billion – under 7 percent – was covered by
additional out-of-pocket charges. The remainder was covered by miscellaneous
third parties.
Now, it is easy to see that you could keep out-of-pocket costs from rising, but
only by increasing the amount covered by insurance, which would mean higher
premiums. Alternatively, one could control the amount of premium increases by
having greater reliance on out-of-pocket costs. But given that there is an
additional $156 billion to cover, there is a dollar-for-dollar
tradeoff between insurance costs and out-of-pocket costs.
That means the focus should be on the $156 billion; i.e. what causes
spending on health care to rise – a larger population, a sicker
population, more services for each individual, rising prices of health
services, or something else? Any other focus is ultimately about shifting
costs from one person to another, but not really solving the problem.
Going into the year, there are three competing strategies for controlling
national health care spending. On the left, single-payer proposals rely on
price controls to reduce spending. Proponents of this approach have to answer
to questions regarding access to quality care and the impact of increased
utilization in a “free” system.
On the right, much of the approach is to model health spending more closely on
other consumer spending, by having households given full information about the
price and quality of services, exposing them to the financial consequences of
different decisions, and so forth. The degree to which households are up to
this task, the ability to identify quality services, and the capacity of
families to face additional risk are frequent points of debate.
In the middle is the current practice of putting cost control in the hands of
insurance companies by relying on managed care, Medicare Advantage, and other
hybrid combinations of financial insurance and delivery system management. As
the status quo, it
is damned simply by association with the current dissatisfaction.
Get ready for a fun year.
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