Monday, January 13, 2020

Four Things To Do Before Making A New Year’s Resolution

Hanna Hart Contributor Dec 12, 2019, 12:49pm
In a couple of weeks, many of us will be making New Years’ resolutions. Last year’s most popular resolutions included a bunch of predictable health-related goals—diet, exercise, quitting smoking, losing weight and drinking less alcohol—as well as saving money, getting a new job, getting a new hobby and (surprising to me) reading more.
This optimistic annual ritual of the personal reset button persists, even as most of us know that the vast majority of resolution-makers will abandon their aspirations within the first 30 days. Ultimately, only about 8% of resolutions will be kept. The rest will be a memory with more or less shame attached to their failure. This is what happens when an aspiration to change comes up against a commitment to keeping things just as they are.
Wait. A commitment to the keeping things the same? Yes. Whenever we resist change—as we so often do—it represents a commitment to the current reality. I’ve written before about the way in which our “hidden commitments” to self-protection can get in the way of behavior change. For example, I may sincerely want to lose weight, but if I am committed to never depriving myself (perhaps rooted in an assumption of scarcity), it may be hard for me to change my diet. Or you may earnestly want to delegate your work, but if you are committed to maintaining control (based on a fear that if anything you are responsible for is less than perfect, bad things will happen), your fear-driven commitment will continue to dictate your behavior. Even if you try to delegate you may undermine your own efforts by micromanaging.
Our hidden commitments are usually based in fear and are geared toward keeping things the way they are (safe), even as we may talk a good game about wanting to make a change. If this sounds like you, you are not alone. After all, 92% of resolution makers are more committed to the status quo than they are to change. So before you set a resolution, you might need to take a hard look at your own level of commitment.
Becoming aware of our commitments is at the heart of The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership:A New Paradigm for Sustainable Success. In this 2015 book, the first commitment is to taking “full responsibility for the circumstances of my life, and my physical, emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing.” To be clear, this doesn’t mean that we can control all the circumstances of our lives. But it means that we don’t blame others (or ourselves) or adopt a “victim consciousness” in situations where we have agency. It means being honest with ourselves and others about what we can and can’t control and taking radical responsibility for our part in creating our lives. On this view, there is no room me to make excuses or blame outside forces, like, “I wish that I had time to work out, but I am too busy with work and family responsibilities to exercise, so I can’t.” Instead, I take responsibility for my choice, “I have a wish to exercise more and be healthier, but I’m not yet willing to do what it takes to make it a priority. I refuse to say no to work or set boundaries with my family, and as a result I don’t make time for exercise.”
Being honest with yourself is essential to making a real commitment to change rather than a wishful resolution. Take the example of Jorge. Once a marathon runner, Jorge had fallen into a habit of working long hours as an in-house attorney for a startup and had stopped running almost completely. He blamed overwork, demanding colleagues, important deals. His first step in making a change was to take responsibility and be honest with himself. When he said, “I’m not exercising today because it’s not a priority,” he discovered that he didn’t like that plain truth. Facing this truth, he acknowledged that if he wanted exercise to be a priority, he needed to put it first. So he did. Jorge and his husband started running three mornings a week, and Jorge would go to work a bit later those days. He found that he was no less productive at work, his energy level was better, and perhaps more importantly he was able to let go of the resentment he had been feeling toward his job for “preventing” him from exercising. He stopped riding in the passenger seat and took the wheel.
If you have tried and failed in the past, try being honest with yourself before you make a resolution. Are you really committed to the change, or are you committed to the status quo? Are you willing to take responsibility? Test yourself:
1.       State your aspiration. For example: “I want to get 8 hours of sleep every night.” On a scale of 1 to 10, how important is it to you? (Don’t bother with anything that is lower than an 8).
2.       Blame others and make excuses. “I have too much work. There’s too much to do at home. I can’t get up early. I always try and fail. Even when I try to go to bed early, I can’t sleep.” Wallow a bit. How does it feel to be at the mercy of all of these forces? Is it true that you are powerless?
3.       Assess your willingness to change. Ask yourself, “Am I ready to take full responsibility for what I can control?” If the answer is yes, you will need to own your actions. “I haven’t been sleeping enough because I am not making sleep a priority. I’m on my screen too late. I am not saying no to other activities that interfere with sleep. I have been saying I want to change, but I have really been committed to keeping things as they are.” How does that feel?
4.       Commit to taking full responsibility. Your resolution doesn’t exist in isolation. To be successful you will need to commit to your goal and also to taking charge of all of the related factors that are within your control. Review your blame list and determine which of those items you can do something about and commit to those actions as well. What will you need to say “no” to in order to say “yes” to your commitment? For example, in order to get 8 hours of sleep, you might need to commit to putting your device away at a certain time. Or to setting stricter boundaries and priorities at work.  
Still committed? Then go for it! There are a wealth of resources for how to structure a resolution and support yourself. But first, see if you are ready to shift from wishful resolution to commitment.

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