Tuesday, January 14, 2020

What Is Your Focus Word For 2020?

Now that 2020 is upon us, I want to get personal and share some of the things I've learned from my own life experience with my wonderful readers.
By now, many of you have probably made various resolutions for the new year. Many of you have probably already discovered that keeping those resolutions is more challenging than you would like to admit! While some people are naturally more motivated and disciplined than others, the real key to keeping those resolutions and achieving your goals, is staying LASER FOCUSED. Many of us have so much we want to do, we aren't even sure where to start or how to accomplish them all. This is also what makes keeping our 'resolutions' so challenging- people are easily distracted, causing us to lose focus.
At the beginning of each new year, I take a full day for reflection, meditation, and prayers. I engage in an annual "reconnection day" that gives me a "focus-word" to clarify and maintain my own focus throughout the year.
On January 2nd, when everyone typically goes back to work, I take that day to refocus myself for the upcoming year. I review all the lessons I've learned, mistakes I've made, the accomplishments I've had, and I write my new action plans for new year. As I'm doing this, I ask God to give me my word for the year word to focus on. My focus word for year 2020 is 'multiply.
No matter your spiritual beliefs, It's important to take the time out of your busy schedule and give yourself a full day to really reflect on your life and business. As you concentrate on reviewing and reflecting, you too will find a word to focus on. Once you find your word, you will find it beneficial to keep coming back to it throughout the year. A focus word keeps you grounded, gives you a sense of direction, helps you determine your real priorities. It also expands you and will become a great reminder of God's plans in your life. When you become confused, it helps you replace fear with faith and keeps you energized. Your focus word reminds you of what you want, and what is most important, especially when you feel overwhelmed or uncertain, and you don't know what to do first.
Since 'multiply' is my focus word for 2020, I will focus on multiplying my efforts in seven key areas of life:
1.       BUSINESS: Be more intentional about developing others as leaders, delegating more, and providing more people with more opportunities to grow (take more chances on people). Influence others to actualize what they visualize and become the best they can be.
2.       LIFE: Spend more quality time, rather than quantity time with family and loved ones. Be intentional about making plans for memorable experiences rather than just spending time with no positive impact.
3.       RELATIONSHIPS: Cut out negativity or anything that drains people around me or affects my relationships. Develop and express unconditional love, be more supportive and less judgmental. Be a servant leader.
4.       FINANCES: Follow the 10-10-40-40 formula for creating cashflow and wealth. Focusing on multiplying income rather than just increasing it.
5.       SPIRITUAL: Be more intentional about praying and spending time with God. Volunteer and give back more.
6.       HEALTH: Be more health conscious. Be committed to more consistent workouts, getting checkups, etc. Encourage the people around me to do the same.
7.       IMPACT: Increase international speaking engagements. Write another book in 2020. Create more videos and increase overall content creation for all my followers.
I hope sharing my personal experience and goals with you has been beneficial to you. I always like to keep it real with my readers.
By taking the time out to reflect and find your focus word, you too will find out what's most important to you and gain clarity. The key is to make the time for it and be honest with yourself. Once you know what you really want is in alignment with what God wants for you, you can plan a strategy for what you need to do differently this year to get a different result and make 2020 your best year ever. You can't get a better result if you don't change your focus, plans, and habits. Once you do, your focus word will help you live an intentional life, even when the going gets tough. 
Are you ready to take the time to reflect and find your focus word? Feel free to share by emailing me your focus word for 2020.

Farshad Asl www.farshadasl.com

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