Thursday, January 16, 2020

Companies That Care: Charitable Contributions and Giving Back to the Community

Published on January 16, 2020 Shep Hyken Customer Service & Experience Expert, NY Times Bestselling Author and Keynote Speaker
This is the time of year when many companies are looking at their charitable opportunities. “Giving back,” as it is called, is when companies make donations and participate in events that support others. While many companies do this at the end of the year—perhaps in conjunction with the giving spirit of the holidays—some conduct initiatives to give back all throughout the year. By the way, giving back is more than just donating money to those in need. “Giving back” could mean community involvement, environmental efforts and much more.
In addition to doing great things for the world, giving back is part of the customer experience (CX). Many customers appreciate it when the world of business gives back. Some customers consciously choose to do business with companies that prove they “care.”
There are so many companies that give back. For this article, I’m going to share different ways companies go about it. Some of these companies you’ve heard of and some you probably haven’t. By showcasing several of these companies, it may give you ideas to start your own “caring” campaign.
Let’s start with a small company, Diba Shoes. It manufactures shoes and primarily sells through retailers. Its way of caring is through an effort to be environmentally conscious. Its shoeboxes are made from recycled materials and don’t contain glue. Clearly stated on the box is the message: “This box is made and assembled without harmful glues to lessen the impact on our environment. Please repurpose and give it a second life.” In addition to its environmentally friendly packaging, Diba Shoes uses solar power and efficient lighting technology where possible. They also provide electric vehicle charging stations for their employees and visitors.
Richard Branson is recognized as one of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs. An extension of his Virgin empire is Virgin Unite. As stated on the website, “We started Virgin Unite with the aim of bringing people together to encourage them to never accept the unacceptable, to turn challenges into opportunities and to always push boundaries that make both business and the world better.” Some of their work focuses on business as a driving force for social, environmental and economic benefit. They also focus on “Human Dignity,” protecting every human’s basic rights to be free of issues they deem unacceptable.
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USA Mortgage is a St. Louis-based mortgage company that recognizes the importance of caring, focusing on charities that are near and dear to its employees’ hearts. In the last two years employees have helped to raise more than $100,000 for local charities. It recently launched an employee volunteer program in which all employees are given two extra PTO (Personal Time Off) days to volunteer in the community.
Karmagawa is an apparel company founded by Timothy Sykes for the sole purpose of giving back to charities around the world that impact education and the environment. Karmagawa donates a whopping 80% of its profits to charity. And the other 20%? It’s used for funding its operations and influencer trips that raise awareness of their efforts to help charities that build schools, saving animals from poaching and creating documentaries such as 50 Minutes to Save the World to raise public awareness about important global issues.
Almost two years ago I met Rusty Keeley, CEO of Keeley Companies, for lunch at his corporate headquarters. We toured his facility and it became obvious that he is a man who cares deeply about his employees and the community in which they live and serve. There was a wall that featured some of the “giving back” the company’s employees have done over the years. As Keeley shared the past experiences, it was both impressive and emotional. The four pillars of its “caring program” are community, children, health and education.
Marc Benioff is the founder, chairman and co-CEO of Salesforce, and an Internet legend known for being one of the pioneers of cloud computing. The concept of “giving back” is part of the Salesforce culture. According to its website, the “gift of giving” helps them attract and keep the best and brightest employees. Its 1-1-1 philanthropic model donates 1% of revenue, 1% of product and 1% of employees’ time to the community. That adds up quickly … to the tune of more than $280 million, 3.8 million employee volunteer hours, and tech donated to more than 40,000 educational and nonprofit institutions around the world.
From something as simple as not using environmentally harmful glue on a shoebox to a larger effort that donates millions to organizations in need, any business can start its own version of giving back or showing they care. Any amount of effort, large or small, can make a difference. It all counts. Benioff said it best: “The business of business is improving the state of the world.” With that in mind, go out there and make a difference. Show your customers—and the world—you care!
Shep Hyken is a customer service and experience expert, New York Times bestselling author, award-winning keynote speaker, and the host of Amazing Business Radio.
This article originally appeared on

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