Monday, January 6, 2020

No More Excuses

We live in a world today that presents a myriad of possibilities and opportunities for people like never before. We can literally choose from an endless array of career options and lifestyle choices to do and accomplish whatever we want in our lives. But the truth is, many people spend a lifetime dreaming their dreams instead of living them.  

The reality is that the only thing holding us back is our own mind-the fear and excuses we use to procrastinate, or avoid doing what we know we need to do, because we are afraid we will fail. By succumbing to excuses or self-limiting beliefs, and not taking real action, we cheat ourselves of the opportunity to fully realize our dreams and achieve true success. 

Only by getting out of our comfort zone, changing our mindset and giving up our excuses, we are able to overcome the obstacles to getting what we want.


This is exemplified by the extraordinary stories of the people below: 

Aron Ralston

What started out to be a simple afternoon hike in the Utah canyon lands back in 2004 for 27-year-old mountaineer Aron Ralston, quickly turned into six days of hell for him. Ralston was climbing down a rock in a narrow slot canyon, when an 800 pound boulder suddenly came loose, crushing and pinning his right hand and wrist to the canyon wall 100 feet below. He was suddenly trapped alone in the remotest part of the canyon, miles from help. Having tried everything possible to move the rock and save himself over five excruciating days and freezing nights, Ralston now faced the reality of his grim predicament. If he did nothing, he would surely die where he was. He realized his only other option was to try and extricate himself by severing his hand from his arm with his knife. Facing the ultimate obstacle, he made the gruesome decision to cut off his own arm. An agonizing hour later, he freed himself and made his way out of the canyon to eventual rescue and safety. After Ralston recovered, he wrote a bestselling autobiography, which became the successful movie, 127 Hours. Today, he is married with two children and is a frequent public speaker. His will to live no matter what and ability to take action saved his life. He simply refused to give up.


Nick Vujicic

Another example of someone who has turned obstacles into opportunity is Nick Vujicic. Born with no arms and no legs, he struggled physically, mentally and emotionally for years throughout his childhood and adolescence, until his strong willpower took over and he came to terms with his disability. "I found the purpose of my existence and the purpose of my circumstance." In 2010 he published the book, "Life Without Limits." Now married with four children, he is booked two years in advance for speaking engagements and is impacting lives all over the world. His amazing life and actions are an example of what it means to live without limits and never give up


Richard Mireles

During 21 years in prison Richard Mireles found lots of excuses not to do things. But he really wanted to go to college. He had no idea how to make it happen. Eventually he found a mentor in another prisoner, who steered him in the right direction and Mireles enrolled in some classes in 2005. A straight A student, three years later he graduated with an Associate of Arts degree in Social and Behavioral Science. He has since gone on to coordinate publishing the an amazing book, "Men Built for Others," complete a graduate program and was released from prison earlier this year. He is now working and fundraising to send underprivileged students to college. " My life is no longer filled with excuses. It's filled with an 
aim past the moon perspective that has transformed my life. Today I am a man who makes commitments, not excuses." 

But perhaps the greatest example of persistence and the "No Excuses" Mindset is President Abraham LincolnLincoln's life was fraught with adversity and hardships, yet he is the champion of never giving up.

Abraham Lincoln

Here is a small sampling of the many difficult challenges he had to overcome:
1816----Working to support the entire family after they were forced out of their home. His mother died two years later.
1831----Failed in business. Went bankrupt in 1833.
1832----Ran for state legislature and lost. Lost his job. Denied admission to law school.
1835----Heartbroken by the death of his sweetheart, to whom he was engaged.
1836----Had a total nervous breakdown and was bedridden for six months.
1838----Sought to be elected speaker of the state legislature-defeated.
1843-----Ran for Congress, lost.
1846-----Ran for Congress and won, but lost for re-election to Congress in 1848.
1854-----Ran for U.S. Senate-lost. Ran subsequently in 1858 and was defeated again.

Clearly, Lincoln's perseverance speaks for itself, and the rest is history. All of these people inspire me daily. Why? Because despite how different all of them are, there is one important thing they have in common. They all have a "No Excuses" Mindset. Each of them had huge obstacles to overcome. But because they believed In themselves, all of them took massive action to change their circumstances. They persevered no matter what. And action is the one thing - the only thing - that kills excuses. 



1. Excuses drain your energy because you are not moving forward.
2. Excuses become a habit that allows excuses and lack of action to become acceptable to you.
3. Excuses send the wrong message to the people around you and stop you from attracting the right people with the right mindset to your life. 

The simple fact is, the biggest gap in the world is the difference between KNOWING and DOING-knowing what you need to do and just doing it. Excuses just create more distance and widen that gap. So what is the solution to bridging that gap?


THE BRIDGE IS the 'DNA': Decide, Navigate, Act.

DECIDE: Make the decision that enough is enough and you will do what you have to do no matter what. It is time to act NOW.  
NAVIGATE: Make a written plan. Putting your plan in writing gives you direction and the power to take action.
ACT: Take massive action. Action is the only thing that kills excuses. The only way to get something done is to set aside the time and do it. Once you start, you prove to yourself you can do it and you keep going.

So now that 2020 is almost upon us, what will you do differently than before? Do you have a written plan? If not, why not? What are your commitments? Are you going to have a story at the end of the year that will inspire others?

It's the beginning of a new decade. You have been created to be the best at what you do, to create a life you are excited to continue living, so you can serve others and impact people. Develop a "No Excuses" Mindset and watch 2020 become your best year yet! 

Farshad Asl

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