By Ashish Arora
Whether you’re standing on a stage in front of hundreds of
people, in a boardroom pitching your business idea to investors, or on the
phone trying to sell your product to warm leads, how you present yourself can
be the difference whether you close a sale or bring in investment money.
Powerful speakers hold everyone’s attention; weak speakers put
people to sleep. In a way, you could say weak speakers are powerful sleep aids.
If you don’t think you are a very good speaker, do not feel bad.
Most speakers, when they first start out, are shy and nervous. They get in
front of others, and suddenly they start to stutter and their voices
shake. Here is something to keep in mind: Powerful speakers are not
born—they are made. If you want to become a powerful speaker, practice the
following tips:
1. Know your audience inside and out
Speakers will come across as powerful if they address the needs,
fears, and concerns of their listeners. To do this, you’ve got to know who is
sitting in those seats. Why have they come to listen to you? How can your
company solve their problem and add value to their lives?
2. Stop using filler words
It is common for most of us to use words like “uh” and “um” when
we are trying to think of what we want to say or how we want to say it. When
you listen to great speakers, you’ll notice they all have one thing in common:
They do not use these types of filler words. They use more powerful words in
these moments.
The next time you are speaking, try using more powerful “filler”
words such as “now,” “you see,” “however,” etc. These words sound intentional,
not like you have no idea what information you are trying to convey.
3. Leverage the power of silence
Have you ever listened to a speaker, and they suddenly stop
speaking for a few seconds, as if to make a point? The entire room or
auditorium is suddenly very quiet and you can hear a proverbial pin drop.
That’s an incredibly powerful moment of silence.
Don’t be afraid of silence. It can offer a lasting impact on
your listeners. In fact, instead of using any filler words, you may want to
take a moment of silence to gather your thoughts before moving on to your next
4. Keep things simple
Those speakers who fill their presentations with a bunch of
industry jargon and insider adjectives are most likely trying too hard. Instead
of sharing their knowledge and experience, they are bluffing and sharing only
theories and concepts.
No matter to whom you’re speaking, keep things simple. Avoid the
use of jargon and trendy buzzwords that seem almost desperate. Instead, share
your knowledge and passion in a way that everyone can understand.
Remember, if you use language that confuses your listeners, you
are not impressing them. You are simply annoying and frustrating them. Keep it
5. Bring your passion
Selling yourself or your company is not about presenting a fake
sales pitch. It’s about sharing your passion and genuine enthusiasm for your
work, for why you started your company in the first place. Always remember your
passion is powerful and is the best sales tool you have.
6. Make it about the other person
Powerful people do not have huge egos—they don’t need them. They
attract attention and command respect because they have a knack for making
other people feel important and valued.
Whether you’re speaking to 100 people or one person, make the
presentation about them. Don’t flaunt your expertise or show off how awesome
you and your products are. Instead, ask questions. How can you help them?
7. Tell stories
Human beings seem to be hardwired for storytelling. Before there
was the written word, stories were how our ancestors learned and passed on
important information to the next generation: “Stay away from bears and don’t
eat those little red mushrooms.”
Many presentations come across as boring because the presenter
is merely sharing facts and data—that’ll put anyone to sleep. A good story can
NEVER be dull or put anyone to sleep.
If you want to be the kind of speaker that makes people sit up
straight in their chairs, stop sharing information and tell a story instead.
You can use a personal anecdote or a story about how your company helped
someone reach their potential; it doesn’t matter. Just get creative and start
telling more stories.
8. Pay attention to your body language
If you were to ask little kids to pose like a superhero, many
would probably stand with their legs shoulder-width apart, putting their fists
on their hips, and sticking their chest out—like Superman. This is called the
power stance.
When you’re speaking in front of people, your body language
speaks as loudly as your words. So be sure your body makes you look powerful.
Do not stare down at your feet, but make eye contact with the audience. Also,
stand up straight while gesturing freely with your arms and hands. These are
all ways you can come across as super confident—and nothing’s more powerful
than that.
9. Tackle those nerves
Speaking of Superman . . . One of the things that made him so
powerful was the fact he was using his skills to help people. That’s what
you’re doing. You’re sharing your knowledge and expertise in order to bring
value to people’s lives and offer real solutions.
Though you may feel nervous before stepping on that stage
(that’s perfectly normal), remind yourself that you are there to help every
single person sitting in those seats. And that makes you as powerful as any
Remember, powerful speakers are not born, they are made. All you
need to do is want to become a powerful speaker, follow these tips, keep
practicing, and never give up.
Post by: Ashish
Arora is the co-founder of, a leading provider of
results-driven, professionally-built presentation templates. When he is not
working, he enjoys traveling around the world.
Company: SketchBubble Website:
Connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
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