Friday, September 18, 2020

AT3 Webinar: Social Isolation, Assistive Tech., and a Partnership in Action


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AT3 Webinar: Social Isolation, Assistive Technology, and a Partnership in Action

Thursday, September 24, 3:00 PM EST
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Join the National Assistive Technology Act Technical Assistance and Training (AT3) Center for a webinar highlighting Connecticut’s CARES Act “Stay Connected” program, which is a collaborative effort between the Connecticut State Unit on Aging, Connecticut’s Tech Act Program, five Area Agencies on Aging, five Centers for Independent Living, three AT Partners and Quinnipiac University School of Nursing. The “Stay Connected” program utilizes Prof. Nicholas R Nicholson’s six question Social Isolation Scale to identify older adults and individuals with disabilities who are socially isolated or at risk of social isolation. Based on survey results, an individual will be referred for an assistive technology consultation and services provided by the Connecticut Tech Act Program and AT Partners.


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