Monday, September 14, 2020

Emotional Health & Cancer


After examining 20,000 cancer patients, MD and cancer surgeon Ryke-Geerd Hamer identified a correlation between emotions and specific types of cancer. Dr. Hamer suggests that when we are in a stressful conflict that is not resolved, the emotional reflex center in the brain will slowly break down.



Each of these emotions is connected to a specific organ. When an emotion center in the brain breaks down, it will start sending wrong information to the organ it controls, resulting in the formation of deformed cells in the tissues, AKA cancer cells.



The connection between suppressed emotional trauma and cancer is one reason why all of our cancer patients go through emotional healing protocols which include counseling and therapies like EVOX. Unresolved confusion, chaos, and dis-ease can lead to disease. Here at Cancer Center for Healing, we focus on helping heal these underlying emotions and guiding patients into R.E.S.T. (Relational, Emotional, & Spiritual Truth).



Learn more about the power of EVOX in our video below:




Your Partner in Health,

Dr. Connealy

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