Friday, September 18, 2020

NAHU's Washington Update September 18, 2020

Fast Facts

§  President Trump signed an executive order Sunday instructing HHS to implement what is being referred to as the Most Favored Nation order, which would require Medicare to tie the prices it pays for prescription drugs to those paid by other countries.

§  NAHU submitted comments to the DOL in regards to a request for information on paid leave. The RFI concerns the efficiency of current state and employer-provided paid leave programs and how access or lack of access, to paid leave programs impacts workers and their families.

§  The Senate Appropriations LHHS Subcommittee held a hearing this week to review the federal government’s coronavirus response efforts. The witness panel included CDC Director Robert Redfield, HHS Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response Bob Kadlec, and HHS Assistant Secretary for Health Admiral Brett Giroir.

§  While we were busy worrying about all things pandemic earlier this summer, the Supreme Court issues a major employment law decision, Bostock v. Clayton County. This week Jennifer Berman, founder and CEO of MZQ Consulting, held a webinar discussing what this ruling means for employee benefit plans. Did you miss it live? Watch it here.

§  NAHU’s new podcast, the President’s Perspective hosted by NAHU President Dane Rianhard, is now on iTunesStitcher, and Spotify. Subscribe on your preferred platform today! If you use iTunes, make sure to rate us 5 stars.

§  Do you follow HUPAC on social media? Follow HUPAC today on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Trump Signs "Most Favored Nation" Executive Order

More specifically, the order directs federal health officials to carry out demonstration projects for Medicare Part B, a move that would bypass the normal months-long process of rulemaking and could potentially... Read More

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